"Yoyo Boomer"

The irony i feel while reading this post is strong


Other than a few things mentioned, proud yoyo boomer right here and will continue to be one lol


Yes, I could respond to this, but I think it would negate my previous non-post.
So confused.


Stay strong!

Get off my lawn!




It all stems from slang that teenagers started using approx 5 to 10 yrs ago. It’s what they called anyone their parents age. It made them feel cool calling people old when deep down…they couldn’t wait to get older. Man…kids are soooo cool.

The hilarious thing is that my daughter dresses exactly like Avril Lavigne did. Yep so much cooler


What’s a DNA? Sounds dumb


I think the DNA is a nice looking trick, and if I could fingerspin I would totally be trying to master it. Having said that, I do think it is way over-exposed. It’s as if no other trick matters to casual onlookers and social media derps. That’s not really the fault of the casual onlookers, it’s the fault of the social media yoyoers who pander to the public’s insatiable appetite for the same trick over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over… So while I don’t hate the DNA, I do kinda hate how much oxygen it consumes in the general yoyo conversation, as it were.

In terms of design preferences, I suspect that if I had been yoyoing during the last big boom in the late 1990s and early 2000s that I too would constantly be chasing nostalgia-driven designs and looking askance at modern competition designs. Hell, I only started yoyoing in 2018 and I do look upon certain modern design trends (e.g., wiiiiiiide boyz) with disdain. But since my comfort zone only goes back five years , I’m not sure I really fall into “yoyo boomer” territory.

I think it is possible to have fairly narrow preferences and refined tastes and not be a “boomer” in that classic, close-minded Get Off My Lawn sense. But I don’t know if the kind of people who like to sling that term around would agree.


Yoyo boomers are people who like organics best (Boomer mindset), probably, maybe, not really

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So if a “Yo-yo Boomer” walks the dog with their yo-yo and no one is around to see, does a “Yo-yo Zoomer” still get triggered?


Does this mean Hansel is not cool? Still not posting, asking for a friend.


We should just merge this thread with the A-rt appreciation thread


Its bc ppl came home from the war and got busy with their spouses and made wittle baby yoyos



If they don’t pander to the masses, that’s just less exposure for yoyo. It’s not going to make people watch more of other yoyo content. I genuinely would like for yoyo to grow as big as possible bc I like it and want people to experience how fun it is. It would also help the competitive side of yoyo, especially the x-divs and that would be sick bc I’m a fan of yoyo competitions and think the X divs are so much fun to watch. Like those vids serve as a gateway to so many kids and that’s dope! So what if some kid gets a yoyo and wants to learn to DNA before split the atom. If they’re into it and loving it, that’s sick! Just like don’t watch that content bc it’s definitely not for you. I don’t watch it either bc that’s definitely not for me.

I agree that

I prefer heavy bi-metals and also don’t like the wiiiiiide boyz but that’s because I have no zoning tricks and you need to be really good about balancing string separation.

I think I get a yoyo boomer now. The boomers going to look at those wide yoyos in disdain vs. like be stoked that there are yoyos helping people casually hit crazy zoning tricks like just buy other yoyos lol

tl;dr all yoyo exposure is good and don’t be salty

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At some point another trick, or maybe suite of tricks, needs to be given time in the spotlight, even if nobody asks for it. Nobody asked for the DNA originally. Fresh content has to come from somewhere, and it doesn’t come from just repeating oneself endlessly. Pandering isn’t going to move the needle. Fresh, creative, thoughtful content that encourages curious engagement will.


Hansel is so hot right now…


I mean, the views that stuff gets is ppl asking for it…

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OTOH, very little of what I see on social media is something I actually asked for. . .

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