who have a mindset of, “better yoyo = Better tricks”, i know alot of people ,and alot means ALOT, who have this mindset, and it sort of hurts me a little on the inside, im not really bothered by this, but when people just dont want to practice and buy expensive throws, thats when i get ticked, i know someone who has bought well over $500 worth of high end metals in his first month of playing, and he can barely do split the atom,
i must admit it though, and im pretty sure this goes for alot of people ot there too, that when we first started off, all we wanted was those really high end yoyos and the expensive ones, and maybe bought 1 or 2, but got over it quickly, i did, the only high ends i bought are the genesis and the aware but i was over it waaaay before i bought the aware, and im glad i did, i mean sure they got the money to get the yoyos.
the only upside to this is that they have a good yoyo to practice on and once they get better they dont need to shell out the money for good yoyos, but i mean if i was stuck on that i would be homeless, i know that its all about the player, not the yoyo,
one ironic thing about it is, is that i use a northstar all the time, and its my favorite yoyo hands down, and i teach alot of people, kids especially, tricks using it, while they are using $100-$200 yoyos,
sorry if i wasted your time with this post, just needed somewhere to vent and hopefully hear what others think about this topic…