YoYo Battle?

well, if we are getting competitive, I might need to make a second take. :wink:

Alright guys, i’m in.

I’ve only been throwing 3 months, so cut me some slack, but i’ll have my entry in soon enough.

Ok. I’ll do it. I have about 8 months yoyoing I think I might make do something cool. At least I will try my best.

mount, unmount, mount, unmount, mount unmount.

Im entering, ten months yoyoing. vid up soon.

Great! Pm me the vid when you have it… I have some cool stuff planned for my vid, cant wait to finish it!

Eh, I’ll bite if you got room for one more.

its on…

Ill make a max of 8 people and the vid has to be under a min and a half, ill pick the 7 people (including me)
Also i want the videos to be rated on creativity, smoothness, and style.

Happy throwin,

ima make a 4 minute video, just pick your favorite 1:30 :wink:

I have the tricks i just gotta find my camera ???

Can I enter? I have never done a battle, and have been yoyoing for 5 1/2 months so yeah! Please let me enter! I no I won’t win though! ;D

If there’s room for one more, I’m in.

I started yoyo’ing 3 years ago, but got into it about 1 and a half years ago.

Had the whole hiatus thing and what not.

I will enter but my vid will be bad quality

HMMMM I might do a video, but I gotta practice on combining my tricks a little more…

remember, ill be picking people on friday, hopefully right when i get home from school. Its gonna be kind of random, im gonna scroll up and down really fast and whoever s post my mouse lands on get to be in the battle.

p.s. If your not picked its ok, im gonna host a new one at the end of Thanksgiving, i want to try and make this a monthly thing, and if you were in the last one, you will be excluded the next months vid, just to make things fair and give plenty of people chances test their skills against others

Why not have everyone and do a bracket? That would be cool.

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Hey great idea i think i will!! Ill think of the rules and set something up!

Cool thanks!

here’s my vid entry:

You’re judging on creativity…right?

Do we have to post a Vid by Friday or are you just going to choose who’s battling on Friday? I want in.
I’ve never battled, so this would be a challenge for me. I’m an old-school yoyoer since I was 12. Put it down for many many years. I got into unresponsive almost a year ago. I’ve got skills but, I’m no pro.

I want in.
