Yoyo Appraisal Thread


Mint in box with original box buffalo bob chief?

Is this the one recently listed on eBay?

Yes! I’ve heard such a wide value range, I don’t know what to believe. I know a mint one sold for over $400 last year, but as seen by the pictures it’s not mint…

200 for that peak would be generous. any sane human being would call it beat before near mint

888 Jason Lee edition, mint.

I’d say $80 would be the high for the 888 but $60 is more reasonable

I wouldn’t call it beat. It’s really those two marks.

you can call it near mint, beat or an ostrich, at the end of the day the damage on it will still greatly decrease the value

I understand.

Mint Red Valor




Is it truly mint?

how much for a purple chaotic with some unfeelable pinpricks and a kk?

mib blue acid wash yyj next level

Mint markmont project

What would a nm blue b grade SS 2014 genesis be worth?


mint markmont project