Yoyo Appraisal Thread II

Wow, Jason did a great job on those. With the way the market has been on General yo as Joe stated, just keep them. I have purchased some old school General yo at dirt cheap prices lately. The saving grace on those is the work done by Jason.



I’m kind of in a purge mode right now, but wondering what the trade value on a Playmaxx Stunt Pilot and 100 with a little extra thin brake pads?


And the trade value of a Hyper YoYo Heavy Spinners Box. No stickers were ever applied.


Wondering about 401k value these days.

I always wanted that box.

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What might a 10th Anniversary edition Yoyojam X-Convict with some bits of paint flaking off go for these days……?

Asking for a friend…… :point_right::point_left::grin:

I would like to put this Ti Vayder Raw up for sale. What would its price be more or less?
This is “mint”, it is the yoyo that I have used the least in recent years. Thank you and good day everyone!


Probably 225 on the ti vayder, might get a tiny bit more since it’s raw (more popular)


Looking to get rid of a few throws, been mostly out of the loop (yoyo pun) since early 2022 so I’m not sure how much things have changed, if any.

Anyone have thoughts on these?


$250+ for a Doc Pop Purple End 2
$120 for The Basecamp Bear Trap

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How much for a nickel blasted Code 1? Had someone ask for value in a trade and this would help out.

It’s got 3 dings but still plays smooth on the string and when you touch the gap with your fingernail.


@Sam did you ever get your purple end? Dude might have one

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Market is a bit slow now but at one point that purple end sold for $550 so that one is worth quite a bit :grin:

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$111 on the Code 1 to the right person, $81 to the wrong.

If it was in my hands and you held a gun to my head, I’d say $90

I think a TiMantis could go for over 1k today. I e never even see one in the wild.


Yeesh, well, I got a something to sell if things get tight money wise.

Thank you! I have messaged them :smiling_face:

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What would an 07 888 bgrade for ano be worth these days? One of the “mud” 888s has delrin stacks. Also 1 of the first 100 07s has it is threaded all the way through the stacks.


I sold my mud 07 888 in July of 2022 for $120, it didn’t have B grade stamps (but considering the origin they likely should all be marked B grade lol.). I bought it for $80 a couple months prior to that, mint.

I honestly thought I bought it for a steal of a price, and could have likely sold it for way more than $120, I just needed the cash to help a friend out quickly.

I imagine one would sell for $200 today.


They have become really cheap now. I sold a 401ppk which is limited version around $100 and it took some time. Anodized mint 401k is probably around $80 and powder coated is probably in the $100 range. You might be able to get a bit more on eBay but probably not on the forums.

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