Yoyo Appraisal Thread II

Id guess 120ish but very hard to move anything these days😅


Cheers, seems fair - I’m in no particular rush to sell and not intent on scoring inflated values either so will dribble them out when I can be bothered.


Looking for help on pricing all of this.


Really rough guess is about $3500.

Edit: Typo’d. My logic is 10x7x$50 per throw. Some are obviously worth more than that like the Spyy stuff, but there are also cheaper yoyos like the DV888 that don’t have very much resale value so I think it averages out to around $50 and you’re missing 3 yoyos from a perfect grid.

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Most of those are contemporary, probably 10% below retail at best for most of them. But there are a coulpe in there that could get 10% above. Couple people might hit you up.

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Anyone have a good estimate on a 1st run Unknown Pickaxe MiB, a nickel summit and a 7 summit Vinson w/box?

Has it been that way for a little while now? I’m kind of jumping back in now with no interest in resale, just to play. Do you think its is a flooded market, the economy, or pricing or something else keeping the market quiet?

Its been like this for a bit yeah. Im no economist but something to do with something something people have less disposable income nowadays.

I think 7 summits mint are going for $250, and I would probably price a nickel summit around $200-250. With the recent One Drop craze it’s a great time to sell.


Thank you, I was thinking about thinning out my collection and these came to mind.
I also have a 2 Evil artist proof that I can part with that has a certificate.

PUH LEASSEEEEE pm about the 7 summit if you’re gonna sell it :pray:


PUH LEASSEEEEE pm about the nickel summit if you’re gonna sell it :pray:


Me :handshake: You


Thoughts on a NMTBS with box Monkeyfinger Conspiracy? Only thrown it a couple times and it’s 10/10 smooth with no damage, original box and matching color string. The response seems to be recessed silicone that may have been hand done by the previous owner, honestly not sure.


I’m kind of iffy on selling the summits, plus I have someone who called dibs on the 7 summits a while back. I will follow up with you two if I end up wanting to sell them.


Understandable! I would be iffy too. Thanks for keeping us in the loop though <3

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This is a long shot but does anyone know how much that One Drop titanium Mantis sold for? I saw a posting where there was a $400 offer, but that was back in 2017. How much would one even go for now?


I would think easily $550+ now @TheFriedCactus


How about these? Celtic 888 with damage as shown. Two Jason Wong anodized General Yos. Essence and Majesty. General Yos have no damage.


The Jason Wong general yos are sweet! Generalyo hasn’t been nearly as popular as it used to be, but because of the color and being older runs I would probably price them about $150-200. I would probably put that 888 with damage in the same $150-200 range. If you had listed these a couple years back I could see them going for more, but the yoyo market is just really slow right now.