Your Xmas throw

SOOOoooooooo… Xmas day I got a box from my younger bro. Inside was a YYJ empty box with a paper inside. *the little brat ninja’d in my room and took one of my empty boxes to * but inside was a receipt for a YYJ Phenom izm. He was a little late on presents so it was quite the funny experience haha but thanked him big time. Anyways, you guys got any new throws/ fun stories for Xmas? :slight_smile:

no stories but i got a protostar from my fam but where did ur lil bro put ur phenom guy

my bro was upstairs gettin mine and when i wasent lookin he lobbed a northstar protostar and 200 strings at my head

I wrapped my mom’s present with wrapping paper real tightly around it so you could see the exact shape of it. I got a gnarwhal, a bunch of yoyogstring, k-pads, and a ten ball bearing.(in yoyo-related things)

He took one of my old YYJ Boxes. He bought a Phenomizm for Xmas but since it didn’t make it on time for Xmas, he printed out the receipt for it and put it in my YYJ box and wrapped it up as a gift for me haha, it was pretty cool/funny/tease.

I saw the yoyoexpert logo on a box in the mail, so I shout to my sis who is in her room “hey did you get me that yoyo I wanted?” all I heard was %!&#@ it was hilarious, but I still had to wait to open it. it was a gorylla 411 and it is awesome!

nice! how do you like that Gorylla? i’m a big HSpin fan.

I got a hspin NVx :stuck_out_tongue: !

i’ll give nothing but props to the Icon. it’s a SWEET throw.

I got a Pro, Supernova, Gnarwhal, and a RockStar. So beast and awesome. Waiting for a case and I got a bearing removal tool.

Umm…I get to throw my y-factor and pretend it is a new throw. :-\

Same thing with me, sister got me a protostar and a bunch of poly string, I saw the yoyoexpert logo when I went to check the mail. Still made me wait.

Dad sent me a POPstar.

I got the Route 66 I wanted. 8) Our presents always get hidden in Mom and Dad’s closet, but my brother hid mine this year. This he noted was pointless since he showed me where it was so I could take a peek when Mom wasn’t around. He’s an awesome brother. ;D

I got another loop 720. Since I lost my other one :frowning:
I call them Phil and Lil, named after the twins on rugrats

Well I got 4 throws. Mikey Hayabusa No. 9 Icon and Gnarwhal, but the funny moment came when I was finished opening gifts, and I asked mom where she put Iron Man 2. (I was with her when she bought it cause she doesn’t think she can pick out my gifts any more.) Anywho she doesn’t think she ever bought it. So either I’m crazy, or she hid the gift way to well.

I recieved a Protostar and a few yoyo trading cards. :slight_smile:

I got a revolution, which I am very impressed with, and a Battosai, which is ridiculous.

Green Phenom, Blue Spintastics Gladiator, 100 green white yellow twist poly strings, Phenom case w/ a cool phenom pouch, 40 watt halo throw shirt. Thats it for yoyo stuff.

i got a northstar :slight_smile: i wanted it cause i already have high dollar ones so…