your worst yoyo accident?

Threw my blizzard down, came right back up right into my finger

I got this blood blister, and it’s been there for a bit over a week

Yesterday i went to go into a combo and when i threw the yoyo it missed my nth and then it went up into the air and shattered the ceiling fan lite my dad got so angry at me i was like :cold_sweat::scream::fearful:

I broke my finger on a sketchy bind and when it shot back up, cracked-

I was play horizontal and opened up a huge gash in my forehead that went to bone and had 4 stitches

I remember in middle school I was throwing during recess and some kid I didn’t know came over and started asking me if I ever hit myself, but he got too close and I accidentally hit him in the nose. He’s fine now. Then years later I was playing with a cheap yoyo and it snagged and hit me in the nose. That’s the worst that I can remember

A couple years ago I was playing with my onedrop downbeat. I threw it as hard as I could, it snagged and hit me in the elbow. I literally blacked out for a few minutes.

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First grade, Miss Marcy leaves the classroom. I draw my yoyo out of my pocket and begin throwing while standing next to her desk. I hear Miss Marcy approaching the door and give the yo a tug to replace it in my pocket. The yoyo takes an odd trajectory and knocks a ballerina figure of the desk, shattering on the floor, the string wraps around her coffee cup and I tug!

Yoyoing can be dangerous to a first grader’s health! :’(

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let wrap trap…dont do it anymore because i took a top deck in the shin at full speed. sucker drew blood and swelled up real nice. Family made fun of me because of a yoyo injury

Have one window in our house that has a chip in it, not sure why the yoyo didn’t go straight through.

I’ve got a scar on the bridge of my nose from when I was learning Brent Stole. My Bonfire got a snag and I didn’t realize it, and pulled a “Gray Johnson”. Threw the yoyo and it swung right back around and hit me in the nose, sliced me at the bridge of my nose clean. Probably should’ve gotten a stitch or two, but I don’t like doctors…or needles.

I was playing with my iyoyo airdive at a family reunion and One of my little cousins ran right next to me when it was Doing a recapture around my leg so I made an attempt to catch it and well it resulted in a friends black eye

I was working on learning a new bind and for some reason threw the yoyo about a zillion times harder than was really necessary. Of course I actually hit the bind for the very first time on that throw. Yoyo binds up, shoots back at my face screaming towards my left eye. I didn’t even come close to reacting fast enough to catch it. Thankfully, it just hit me on the brow and made a deep bloody gash.

Well, I was almost fatally injured when a yoyo almost did a bad bind and almost hit me right between the eyes; almost.

I mean it should have and could have and would have almost fatally injured me if I would have not vanished like a Ninja to a vantage point diametrically opposite of exactly where I had just been.

The molecular transfer was so instantaneous that I literally saw the yoyo graze the structure of my head in the outline of the Energy field that I had vacated.

Based on Einsteins truncated diatribe relating to obtuse object diffusions and diametric angular reorientation; I would irrefutably conclude that had parameters and fortune been even ever so slightly against my Karmic disposition at that exact moment; I would have surely, without a doubt almost have been killed; almost.

For reals…


Hit myself in the eye with the corner of a dv888. Super fun time… I threw the same yoyo the next day :wink:

Seem to recall hitting my mandolin once. Other than that, a broken glass.
Nothing else to speak of.

My worst yoyo accident was probably NOT buying a Wooly MarkMont when they came out…


Smashed my new throw into brick, I had thrown it like 4 times. String broke. First metal throw, I have been abusing them ever since. I have yet to draw blood on anybody or myself.

Worst yoyo accident?

Probably reading one of these worst yoyo accident posts for about the 1000th time and not telling the OP to search for the other 999 before starting a new one. ::slight_smile:

Otherwise, maybe buying a yomega panther.

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Lol! :joy:

On a hard throw last week, the yoyo snagged and caught me on the bone of my eyebrow and gashed it pretty good. It should have taken a picture of that.

Hitting my funny bone!