Your Top 3 YoYo "Heroes"

1.John Ando-He’s awesome :stuck_out_tongue:
2.Andre Boulay-He runs this awesome site! ::slight_smile:
3.Yukki Spencer-He’s awesome too ;D

Noel Kunz he helps out a lot.
John Ando for inspireing me to get good.
And The Community for being there.

Ed Haponik
Andre Boulay
Jonny Delvalle

Ed for being a great responsive player. Andre for making tutorials, and fueling my drive to become a better yoyoer. Jonny Delvalle for inventing grinds and the hitman. No particular order! There all awesome :smiley:

I’m truly honored to be on your list bro! Thank you :slight_smile:

guy wright he really influenced my style

tyler severance every thing about his style is awasome

my best friend jonathan who got me started

I forgot them! Dangit!
He has his “Yoyo Suspenders” lol

Tyler severence
Yuuki Spencer
John Ando

…Andre Boulay - He has a AWESOME name, him and his videos - so awesome. He made YYE and the Dark Magic, and judges MA States, and Nationals, I think… and Worlds, I think. Hes a National Yoyo Master, and even though Andre isn’t the best yoyoer (( in terms of making people go oooh and ah )) without his videos I bet your more than half the yoyoing community wouldn’t know how to do any tricks.

I can guarantee you, that you are wrong with that statement.

Andre Boulay
John Ando
Yuuki Spencer

OK here goes

The kids at school: Grades K,2nd,5,and the other sixth graders are great. I am helping them learn and they are a great motivation for me to keep on going.

My mom: Always listens when i got a trick down and of course gives me allowance for yo-yos.

Tyler Severance: WOW. Awesome yo-yoer. Love his style. Keeps me going and working to be a pro and get sponcered some day!

If i could have a 4th definatly Andre for helping me soooo much. Thanks YYE you guys rock!

Btw 5th is Samad :stuck_out_tongue:

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fav. teacher is Andre
fav. players

1.Hiroyuki Suzuki a.k.a (Mickey)
2.Paul Han
3.Yi Cheng Luo
:wink: ;D