1.John Ando-He’s awesome
2.Andre Boulay-He runs this awesome site! :
3.Yukki Spencer-He’s awesome too ;D
Noel Kunz he helps out a lot.
John Ando for inspireing me to get good.
And The Community for being there.
Ed Haponik
Andre Boulay
Jonny Delvalle
Ed for being a great responsive player. Andre for making tutorials, and fueling my drive to become a better yoyoer. Jonny Delvalle for inventing grinds and the hitman. No particular order! There all awesome
I’m truly honored to be on your list bro! Thank you
guy wright he really influenced my style
tyler severance every thing about his style is awasome
my best friend jonathan who got me started
I forgot them! Dangit!
He has his “Yoyo Suspenders” lol
Tyler severence
Yuuki Spencer
John Ando
…Andre Boulay - He has a AWESOME name, him and his videos - so awesome. He made YYE and the Dark Magic, and judges MA States, and Nationals, I think… and Worlds, I think. Hes a National Yoyo Master, and even though Andre isn’t the best yoyoer (( in terms of making people go oooh and ah )) without his videos I bet your more than half the yoyoing community wouldn’t know how to do any tricks.
I can guarantee you, that you are wrong with that statement.
Andre Boulay
John Ando
Yuuki Spencer
OK here goes
The kids at school: Grades K,2nd,5,and the other sixth graders are great. I am helping them learn and they are a great motivation for me to keep on going.
My mom: Always listens when i got a trick down and of course gives me allowance for yo-yos.
Tyler Severance: WOW. Awesome yo-yoer. Love his style. Keeps me going and working to be a pro and get sponcered some day!
If i could have a 4th definatly Andre for helping me soooo much. Thanks YYE you guys rock!
Btw 5th is Samad
fav. teacher is Andre
fav. players
1.Hiroyuki Suzuki a.k.a (Mickey)
2.Paul Han
3.Yi Cheng Luo