Your most dangerous yoyo

What’s the most dangerous yoyo that you have thrown or owned, and why? Super heavy or snaggy or sharp edged or shoots flames or all of the above? What was it?

The thread on heavy yoyos got me reminiscing on the heaviest yoyo I’ve owned, a Yoyorecreation Dreadnought G. It was a great yoyo but also, at over 80g, 62mm diameter, and an angular shape, it was the scariest to throw without being confident that the last bind was clean. It’s a yoyo that could knock you out or worse, if taken to the temple (skull fracture?).


Hubstacked DV888. It’s fun as all heck, but it weighs a lot. Like a lot a lot (75g).
Being so tiny and that heavy, it’s not that good as a yoyo, but works wonders as a home self defense weapon, or as a fidget spinner.


Spin time yo-yos matador. It has scratched my hand so many times.

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Probably the ILYY Noctu for angles, densest yoyo I can think of was probably the SanctiGrail but Idk if I’d call that dangerous.


Some unnamed novelty giant wooden yoyo that I call the Hamburger

It weighs just over 200 grams and you can feel your wrist falling apart if you try to do inside loops. Doing anything with it requires great care.


000 has some sharp edges for sure - feels hella good when it kisses your knuckles :kissing_heart:


66% Stealth Ogre. Hurts so good.


Nobunaga and alpina are two that I’m very careful with


Might not be too visible but my protostar gave me this scar when I was copying that cool bind Jensen does in the 420 buds video


Edge Beyond for me. I don’t always play casually, so when I’m going really fast and smack my hand it’s not very forgiving. When I first go it I was scared to throw it very hard because it was killer. Probably about a week ago I threw it down as hard as I could to try my 4 longest tech combos I made in one throw, was terrified


Probably the Luchador. I’m sure this came with a health warning on the packaging.

Really fun throw, definitely in my top 5. This would be great in titanium.


I’d have to vote for the OYY - Paradigm Shift, but I agree, the Noctu is up there as well.

I’m pretty sure that if I drop this thing and it gets a ding it’ll explode and end my existence.


Somebody at our school yoyo club glued some heavy metal disks to the side of a dollar tree blazing team yoyo.
It was like 200 grams or something


my yoyoranger primeforce

My YYF Aluminum Dream can be a little scary. If I bind too early or throw with a snag it will always slam edge first on one of my knuckles.

X3 steamroller. I’ve cut my hands on those edges multiple times.

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Basically most 4a yo-yos at this point

wink wink Fancy’s 4a prototype