What was the most shocking yoyo you've thrown?

I just wanna know 'cause I rarely tried yoyos except tp and yj XD

Alex Hattori’s Boost Squared. Simultaneously shocking for how extremely decent it played, but also for how much of a shock it is if you ever bump your hands into it while playing.


RSO Bowl and Freehand Al


The shape itself is just shocking to me

YoYoRecreation Rebellion Dread G! It’s a tank but plays so fun.


I might be in the minority but…The Mighty Flea. I could not fathom the size from the photos. It was too small for me. I sold it two years ago. Maybe I’d be better with it today but probably not. I don’t like difficult yoyos even if there’s a reward in the successes.


My chopsticks exercise machine the Sengoku Bakemono :muscle:

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ILYY Noctu, fast spinning, stable, but hurts like a mother when you snag and have it return to your hand at full speed. that’s the shocking part.


I had a similar reaction to the Mighty Flea. I still have it somewhere.

Too small to find?


Luo Yicheng’s Kun and 420L of a-rt :wink:

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OPYoyos Balloon and 583 proto.

Both played well but outside of my preference in an extreme way


Unprld Tiss Flash & Flashback ( I do not own flashback but it’s an interesting throw)

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Speedaholic XX. I still can’t believe it’s only $28.

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The original One Drop Project. In 2007 there were only a handful of aluminum yo-yos on the market, and they all had a decent amount of vibe. The Project was the first metal yo-yo (in my recollection) that spun dead smooth out of the box, zero tuning necessary. I remember it being such a mind blowing experience the first time I tried one. It set the standard in machining quality for all aluminum yo-yos moving forward.


Yoyos made from steel. The amount of power in such a small package shocks me everytime.

It was either the Alchemy yoyo with an eyeball on it or the St. Eel from ILYY that I tried first.


Dread G absolutely takes the cake for me as well, nearly tore my finger off. What’s worse is I’ve played yoyos of similar weight but none of them felt as heavy as the Dread G.

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Lol I’ve been hunting for one of those bad boys for a while now, hard to find.

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That is actually a good shout, I remember when I put my hands on the project 2 it was one of my first monometal yoyos, I won it at a contest and I did not even knew One Drop as a brand.
Open the box, put a string and that thing blow me totally away from the first throw, from the finishing to the feeling in the hands also for the tricks at the time it was an absolute blast, good memories with that yoyo, I still have it heavily ding in Italy.

For modern days I say the QI from Zero gravity which is technically my favourite yoyo of all time from shape to size to weight distribution, I did join the team for how much I love it and is actually my main throw daily.


Brass rim arbiter x. I have played maybe 100 different bimetals. this thing is just perfection gliding through the air.