your first yoyo

Depends my first yoyo was a butterfly but the first yoyo I actually did stuff with was a Ned yoyo

an imperial or a yomega firestorm my cousin got from mcdonalds. not sure which one i got 1st!

A wooden tournament Duncan replica!

Duncan Imperial, in 2009.

First real yoyo was also in 2009, I dunno, maybe some of you have heard of it, it’s called the YoYoJam Dark Magic or something like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

YYF Yuuksta

One with the string in the axel ;D no sleeping…

A duncan butterfly or was It a Duncan proyo it was one or the other then after I found I love yoyoing I graduated to a maverick

got my first one when i was 11 or so. it was a brain. i played with it for a short while. my friend jkust recently re-introduced me to yoyoing. got me a maverick now. having an awesome time

First yoyo: duncan butterly


Duncan for me too.

mine was the Duncan imperial, got it at wallmart for 1$ it was fun but it did not sleep at all.