Your Favorite YYF Player?

Sorry, but that’s just not true. He is a great 2a player, but Tyler is so for above him in every style.

I’m gonna have to go with Shinji. He’s been the world champion in 2a numerous times.


;D YEAH!!! GO PAUL!!! ;D

I Vote Tyler

I Love His 5A

Yuuki spencer, in the lead!!! :smiley:

Tied with Augie!

Fash and Ando. :slight_smile:

Happy Throwing! =]

Augie Fash pwns all.

The Man Himself Mr. YoyoFactory himself

Posting this here because its yyf related haha (shameless self plug)

Comment on my video thread on the appropriate page so as not to thread jack.
And no, I did not vote for myself  :stuck_out_tongue:

The correct answer is Vashek Kroutil. All other answers will only receive partial credit.