your favorite yoyo manufacturer


no offense but close this please it isnt right to choose companies. yoyos are yoyos no matter who there made by

Whatever one I happen to be playing at the time.

You are Correct in a Way, but that is No Reason to Close this Thread. Im sure Most People on this Site have a Favorite Company. :wink:

Wow! I can play a manufacturer! Oh, I choose to play General-Yo.

Yoyo jam :slight_smile:

All of them. As long as the yoyo works I’m good.

The one that makes yoyo’s.

I’m not voting, seeing as there are 6 EDIT: 5* choices, and wayyyy more than 6 companies

Fixeded :wink:


What happened to 1drop? And you can have a favorite company without liking other yoyos. I love 1drop because they have really simple designs, but they manage to do something unique to them. M1 started the cheaper metal wave, dunno about the older markmont and projects, but they were great yoyos, and the new 54 has the side effects, and dingo’s a nice pocket yoyo, one of the best. Every one of their yoyos is great, and they don’t have any insanely complex design, nor colors or anything, which suits me perfectly.

FYI, while I love my M1s, my fav. yoyos are still the addiction V2, and bassalope.



Throw Duncan!! But i like YYF as well…actually… all yoyo’s are good yoyo’s :smiley:



Delta Throw Technologies and VsNYYC :wink:

Have you even made a yo-yo?

All yo-yos are good. Good ones are great, and bad ones help you get better.
