I want to start a thread and link to your ‘favorite’ current yo-yo player. Give them a shout out and link their Instagram or YouTube if they have it.
Ideally one per person - so pick your FAVORITE!
Ready. Set. Go!
I want to start a thread and link to your ‘favorite’ current yo-yo player. Give them a shout out and link their Instagram or YouTube if they have it.
Ideally one per person - so pick your FAVORITE!
Ready. Set. Go!
Gentry Stein
gotta be jensen or charles. their smoothness and ingenuity is so fun to watch.
Im a really big fan of kento muraoka. He isn’t the best YoYoer out there. But I always get a lot of inspiration for tricks and suck from his videos. Also he’s a pretty cool guy.
Guy wright, Takahiro Iizuka, Jensen
As a whole, definitely has to be Takeshi Matsuura. I have so much respect for his creativity and dedication to being skilled at multiple styles, and he’s also one of the most revolutionary contributors to the 1A and 5A style. You can really tell that his skill pours over into other divisions and it is super inspiring.
Hmm…well current is a tie. Evan Nagao and Gentry Stein are both great players and ambassadors. I love that Gentry proved that an amazing player with a entry level yo-yo could win nationals. And Evan is always fun to watch and really tries to make himself standout. Of the guys from when I first started JD really stood out and André was fun to watch and not to mention how much he has done to make Yo-Yoing thrive.
polo. DUH.
Tie between riccardo fraolini and Anthony Rojas… I would give my life to meet either one of them in person…
The entire a-rt crew. It’s refreshing to see people who don’t take things so seriously and just have fun with it
Definitely Evan nagao
Gentry stein hasn’t been on these forum lately. He has been offline ever since October.
Them a-rt boys. I’m not into competitions at all [like, at. all] and I appreciate their content and inspiration
My favorite since ‘97 has been and still is Paul Han
I’m w/ @smileypants707 – Tyler is my favorite player overall though.
Drew tetz and Paul Dang