Your favorite string for pocket throw/tighter gaps

I’m still in that faze where I’m excited about every aspect of finding the perfect throw.

I went a little crazy and purchased may multiple different strings, honestly before I have any good clue on the difference(not an original story I’m sure).

I tend to enjoy a fatter string on my full sizers, YYSL plutonium is my current edc.

One string that I’m intrigued if not a little confused by is zip lines Executive class. I think the are a standard sized nylon. They are soft and whip great but a little slippy for anything over a 4.5mm gap(most everything I have). I feel like they would be great for pocket throws, long lasting and comfortable.

I’m interested in figuring this one out soon.

I’m eyeing that dropping soon text on OD clique page pretty hard😀

What’s your favorite string for a throw with a tighter gap?

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Best string on the market IMNSHO. There are other good ones too but Plutonium is the gold standard in my book. If you want even fatter, go Ammo, but Plutonium hits the sweet spot :dart:.

As for smaller gaps, I’d say Type X?

Kitty Fat is kinda the best point of reference here since it’s so common, see


LOL. Not at all. I now buy two things, sample packs to try and see if there is something out there that I really like, and Kitty Fat. One thing that I really like about the PhilipLFA YouTube reviews is he tells what string works best with a yoyo, and uses Kitty Fat as a reference.

I’m researching my first mini and am also interested in seeing what people like for the strings.

Markmont cirrus foam, draken and night moves are my go to for thin strings. YYSL Type X, Money vines regular and sochi regular also, but they’re not as whippy as the markmont strings. If you’re into nylon airetic slims are nice, and my second choice after the Markmont strings.