Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

Any time after 12 or before 10:00 cause that’s when I am in church but otherwise I’m all in this is going to be a fun time hopefully I get to pick up some awesome stuff or things I need. (mostly string and a few wide bearings but no OD 10 ball bearings I have 2 that I am still unable to use because I still can’t get their c-clips out!) but I’m excited for tomorrow and Monday I’m going to my grandparents house Monday to get my barely legal unicorn Yoyo my grandparents got for me when they went to Prague. ;D

Me too EST. I will probably be snowed in tomorrow too. :stuck_out_tongue:

yah as of now we should be able to go to church but there calling for snow tomorrow night so that undecided plus where my church is located the roads aren’t salted very well or cleared.

Im Excited For This Giveway

Thanks For Doing This TA

Not sure about bearings yet. I’m no good with bearing identification, so I don’t think I’d know what I have unless it’s a CT or something. :-\ Probably no bearings.

No problem! Glad to see you’ll join us. :slight_smile:

Yep Im Here. Im not Looking For anything in particular But Ill See what Pops up

8 would work for me :slight_smile:

This sounds fun. And TA if you need any help with bearing identification hahah, let me know :stuck_out_tongue:

But I am also a little worried about what Stringking said. What if 2 people post at the exact same time? And so on…

I say we do it at 5 am but TA only tells me that so it’s fair :).

Haha but no I have no life- I can do it whenever.

5 in the morning no way.

The time window that would work best for me is between 2-5 pm, and then 8:30 pm onward.

I was kidding BC :slight_smile: And how about we do it at 8:30 so string king can take part?

It would work for me :slight_smile:

8:30 EST?

So I Think Thats 7:30 in my time zone

Im Usualy Gone Sunday Nights

But Thats Ok If I miss The giveaway

Let us know what you are interested in and maybe one of us can snag it for you?

I would certainly snag something for you and send it to you :slight_smile:

aw man that reminds me! tomorrow im going to see my grandparents house to go say hi and get my yo-yo I’m probably going to be their all day if not for a good portion of the day oh well. then again its a yo-yo I’m getting how can i not be excited!

Maybe we can do it tonight at 8?

That’d be cool too :slight_smile: then tomorow I wouldnt be constantly looking at the clock waiting for 8.

That Would Be Nice

Thanks For The Offer BC But Im Really not Looking For Anything In Particular I Was ust Gonna Watch The Thread and see If Something Pooped Up That I wanted

TA might be busy tonight. But I +1 tonight around 8 maybe later.