Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

Hahah! Good one.

Ill check it out, thanks TA!

Paracord shrinks a bit when exposed to warm water. Just something to consider.

Keep this in mind Totalartist :wink:

I used to have a 550 cord bracelet co too. Ahhh good times.

Every holster definition I came across had the pistol/gun holder as the main definition for sure, but invariably had secondary definitions. Secondary doesn’t mean “unimportant”, it’s just less common. You can look up “card” and find the folding kind used for greetings, the plastic kind used for credit, a type of thick paper, a brushlike aparatus used in the processing of sheep’s wool, etc.

The examples typically given for the secondary nature of “holster” were certainly applicable to anything you could care to have in a case that is affixed to your person.

Here’s Mirriam-Webster’s full definition, not a truncated version:

“: a leather or fabric case for carrying a firearm on the person (as on the hip or chest), on a saddle, or in a vehicle; broadly
: a case for carrying a usually small item on the person

A yoyo is a small item being carried on your person. What Legyoyo makes isn’t necessarily a “case” although that word itself has broad definition. I think it’s fair to say that we all think of guns when we hear the word “holster”; however, that whole gunslinger attitude coupled with the acceptable secondary definition makes it the perfect word, in my opinion. Holder just sounds kinda limp by comparison.

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So, thanks Legyoyo, for answering the question that I posed to you. I chose holder for the reason that the “main and common” definition of holster involves a gun. But, that was my reason anyway. I understand you chose it for a different reason altogether, as you stated. I’ve heard a few people say holster…but more say holder, so I went with that. I think we had that question pretty well answered.

That’s a good thing for something holding a yo-yo, the tighter the better actually. I asked because I wondered if anyone ever asked the best way. Just wanted to know if I could put paracord in the machine. I’m not worried about a little shrinkage, my clothes do that too. If I want to avoid the shrinking part…I just don’t put those things in the drier and hang them instead. I’d never put the holder in the drier though. I’ll cross that bridge if I come to it.

But, for the bracelet, I sometimes use lotion and that could build up over time, or if I touch something to get it dirty. You left me some slack, so even if it shrunk…it’s all good.

Thanks modman…I’ll use cold. :wink:

B.C. remind me what’s inside those monkeyfists. I think you told me before, but I forgot. They are nice and fat too. ;D I’m working on a photo of the YoyoExpert Editions and the monkeyfists are the dots I need for the photo. That will take some setting up and pulling the queens from their cases, taking a good shot, then putting them all back.

Questions, for those of you out there selling things, yo-yos, accessories, string, a service, polishing…whatever.

  1. Do you derive the majority of your sales from promotion on the forums? If so, why or why not?

  2. Is it your preferred method to market your product or service?

  3. How important do you think the forums are for marketing a product in this community?

  4. Areas you could improve on.

My answers:

  1. Probably not. I don’t handle direct sales usually, but I hang out on here enough to know who wears my product on a regular basis. I have sold a bunch to people on here, but I don’t consider it the majority. I think most of my sales probably come from the average non-active forum shopper on the internet. Probably an older demographic, willing to pay more for a holder, and going for a certain look.

  2. No. I did a few contests at the launch of them a year and a half ago, never really maintained a thread either and kept it going, until now. I intend to maintain one from this point on (with the new rules in place). It still will not be my main focus. The key for me on the forum is accessibility to those who bought here and want to find me here.

  3. I think it is important for initial awareness, and customer service, but Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are all good ways to promote too. YoyoExpert takes care of the social media announcements. Dealing with a store allows me to share in the marketing effort. I think no marketing is better than people actually wearing your stuff, liking your stuff, and showing it to other people. For me, nothing beats that. Once I had enough product out there, I was sure they would move on their own.

  4. First and foremost I’d say getting the lead out. I can work restocks faster. There have been a few weeks in between. I could move better in that area, but love the way things are going for me at this time.

Solid magnetic attracted balls.

Not a magnet, but magnets stick to it.

They were in a little magnetic’s set :slight_smile:

Always leave a bit if slack :slight_smile:

You don’t want it to be your exact wrist size.

Yes…I remember now. I hope you won’t miss those magnetic attracted balls, and you have more. I was raking leaves today, so I was too tired to work on the YYE photo. I’ll tackle it sometime this week though. Thanks again for making those.

why rake leaves? The will just be cover in snow anyways! (then again this is the lazy in me talking)

Sorry, but yes, this is sort of a “no brainer.”

Why not rake leaves? We want our yards to look nice.

If it gets covered in snow, the snow melts a day or two later, then the leaves are back and it becomes muddy.

So why not rake them on a semi warm sunny day for something to do, them wait for snow, then pick them up on a cold/muddy/cloudy day.

Im good at yard work. I do it without complaining (besides the Lawn Mower :p)…

Especially leave blowing/raking.

If your a lazy person, you will not succeed in the business industry. Nor will you succeed in life.

This “Entrepreneurs” thread is about the hard working people of the forums, and about how we are working (vs. Lazy) to earn some dough (so fun to call it that) even tho we might be able to beg for a yoyo from our parents, or get money for a birthday/free…

We don’t have to sell Jewelry, Holsters, Bracelets, or Polishing services. We could just get money for free.

But we are doing this, not being lazy, and it is earning us a good business reputation at a young (some old :p) age. We are using up the lazy/bored times to work like a man/woman/adult…

So… What did I post now and why?? XD

Though I agree with Bcmaddog in some respects, I will give some food for thought in a seeming contradictory sense.

I don’t work hard. Never have. I am lazy. It is also the key to my success.

Because I am lazy, I have to find the clever way to get things done so I don’t have to work hard. As a result of this, I get more done than most of my colleagues in much less time. As a result, I come in later, leave earlier, and take longer lunch breaks, all the while keeping my boss impressed I’m the most productive guy in the office. As a result of my laziness, and thus my need to be clever to get my work done with less effort, I have more energy for things like running a business on the side of my regular day job, and still have time for a social life.

Here is the misleading part: in order to work smart, not hard, you have to be constantly learning new skills and how to do things smarter. To many people this is harder than doing the work itself. Since I love teaching myself new skills, I would rather invest 200 hours to be able to do a 40 hour job in only 20. On the surface, it seems like I ma giving up 200 hours to save only 20, but after 10 weeks, I am now in the bonus round. Saving 20 hours per week for 10 weeks pays back my time investment, and for a task that I do repeatedly every year, it means I have more hours free to learn how to make some other part of my job take less time.

What if you could rake the lawn in 4 hours, but build a lawn raking robot in 1000 hours. Seems easier to just rake the lawn. But what if the robot could be mass produced and sold to many lawn rakers. This is how being lazy is what makes you better at business. Think like a lazy person, and then work hard ant making the lazy way more possible.

Lol, bc, that was a bit over-kill; as true as it was XD
I’m pretty sure Abby was jk’ing

And you may have known that, and meant no harm, but the way it read (to me) sounds rather harsh for a joke

But not trying to start anything. Just a bit of food for thought piranhas


I think that’s a good question you asked Abby, so I think it warrants a really good answer. For me, I don’t own a gym membership, so the things I do in my yard, whether it’s cut the lawn, rake leaves, shovel snow, I choose to do it the harder way. I want a free workout, for one thing, but depending on how I pace myself out there, I tend to work until I drop…so I don’t have to do work two days in a row. So answer number one is that it’s good to move around, and any movement other than being stationary is good for you. Instead of using gas or electric, I use a “reel” or push mower instead. Instead of using a snow blower or snow thrower, I shovel the snow…driveway included. I use a leaf blower to cut down on time, but I pick the leaves up rather than suck them into a vacuum or go over them with the lawn mower. I always rake my lawn one last time before the winter, so that I don’t have as much of a mess in the Spring when the grass starts to grow. I occasionally rake my lawn anyway to pick up twigs and random pine cones and things, and to loosen up any grass that might be matted. I keep a very tidy lawn.

The second reason is what BC said, that I live in a neighborhood where people keep their yards looking nice. I happen to enjoy my yard being in the upper echelon where appearance is concerned. But further, it would be bad manners to have everyone around me keeping their front yard picked up, while I let the leaves on my side blow over to them and mess up their hard work. It’s common courtesy and respect among neighbors. I bought a house in my neighborhood knowing that people pay attention to their yard, so it is important to not be the weak link. We have one of those, but it’s not me lol. My house is set in a place where if my lawn looks bad…the whole area looks bad. I’m not literally on a corner, but it has that appeal where it might as well be. It’s just part of keeping a tidy yard, and a nice lawn. Leaves will interfere with me tending to the grass. So, I always pick them up. I’m out there about 4 weeks in a row until all the leaves are off the trees. This last time, I was doing the final pickup, so it was the most work I had to put in.

The third reason is that the leaves I pick up, end up being compost for the public gardens around the city. I put them in leaf bags and barrels where waste management collects them to be composted for a purpose later on. So, it’s good for the city, and environmentally friendly. :slight_smile:

yeah you right I really didn’t want a serious answer just a silly stupid one cause I like stuff thats fun cause I like keeping stuff interesting.

One does not simply keep my yard nice…

I blew the drive ways on Sunday and they are covered in pine needles already…