Interesting issues you guys raise. Your presentation and packing plays a part too. The catch is, that it adds to your overall “costs.” Things like bubblewrap, padded envelopes and so on, can add up. I know you will do what is best. But, I recommend you do as Legyoyo has done, and keep things simple for now. While presentation is important, you want to focus on the look of the product, ship safe, and fast in the beginning. When things are most profitable, you can invest more in the look of your packaging.
I already had the means from having packaged other items I sold in the past. In my younger days, I was recording a lot if songs. Me and my friends would press our own C.D.s, buy or own cases, make our own CD inserts, print them, fold them, and shrinkwrap the discs. So, I already had a shrinkwrap kit around. When it was time to make the holders, I decided to put a short manual in there, detailing how to care for it, how to contact me for any maintenance if needed, link online and so on. So, I include the manual, shrinkrpwrap them, and that is my presentation. I favor this method, because it’s like opening a bag of chips You get the feeling you are opening something fresh and “new.” Yet, you can see it clearly before you open it.
A photo of the holders wrapped up prior to shipment to YYE:
When the hate comes from the right place, it is a complement for sure.
I am not well liked in my department, even though I am considerate, professional and helpful, because I get preferential treatment. I am resented for it. I bring a higher level of skill to the table and I have created my own job description. The others in my department have to do more of the tedious work as a result, and I only do what I like. I get away with it because the work I do is of such high value and no one else has the talent.
The resentment is going away though. I am now spinning off into my own department. Just me and my boss’ boss.
You should worry. I have a very big wrist. You should make them to order, or make them in sizes. My wrist is 8.5". My bracelet is 9.5" because I don’t like tight things on my body. Keep it in mind.
Hey guys. I have a little favor I’d like to ask… Does anyone have any idea of what MY website should look like? I have a vague idea, and I think it’d be cool to get you guys involved! I could even put up a “thank you” of some kind
If you’re not totally sure, and would like to help these are some core concepts I’d certainly like to involve:
Has to be Legyoyo holsters oriented! I mean, it IS a Legyoyo holster website!
There needs to be room for and artistic flare. And by that I just mean, possibly some designy background thing. Or some spot that would have something appealing (YYE has Mr. Andre yoyoing in the corners and textured background)
I don’t want a forum. It’s just not really neccecary IMO. And I don’t want to try and steal YYE style
It doesn’t necessarily have to have a shop. Jut a place I can give links or such.
But other than those, it’s open range. It’d really be cool to see the different ideas and such. I love the creativity that’s floats around here, and think it’d help me with my future site
Oh, and yes I’m talking to a website designer. She’s asked what it’d look like, and I went “do’h didn’t think that through! How about I get some creative ideas from fellow yoyoers!”
Well im no expert in websight designing but you could have pictures of all the different styles of holsters as a back drop along the edges of the page.
i know this isnt super helpful but its just something that popped in my head ;D ;D ;D ;D
Sorry, I missed this post. I think it’s a great idea to offer all colors and themes. I think the forum colors tie it in with yo-yo, but any themes will work well. If you keep a lot of paracord in stock, you can make them to order, almost any color. Definitely get the kits. It’s so nice to have Dad invest in your business 8)
My thinking with starting with a few colors is to keep you from over-investing in the beginning, in all these different colors of paracord. Then, you have no idea what custom orders will come in. You will notice some colors will run out faster than others. Rather than experience that headache and financial burden during your first run, I thought it might be best to zero in on something a lot of people can identify with. Then, you can take the profits, and build from there, with more colors and so on. You can offer different buckle options down the line too. So many things you can do with it.
Sorry for the delay. Have you considered A lot of legitimate businesses use their services, control the look of their site, and link Paypal for payments. They basically offer a free site and allow you to design it yourself. You should play around on there and see what you can come up with on your own, before you pay someone else. You can buy a domain name and forward it to the webs store you create. But, you don’t even have to do that yet. I’ll have to think about design ideas…the possibilities are endless. That’s exciting news.
Cool! Did you do the kind of street preforming where you gather a crowd in a circle or the kind wher you put down a hat and throw while people are walking?
-I now have an opportunity to study abroad in Tianjin, China next semester!
-Currently taking “Let’s speak Mandarin” to learn how to speak basic chinese! Pretty exciting and i’m having tons of fun so far.
-If my study abroad plans fall through, I have secured an internship in the 2014 south beach food and wine festival as an event coordinator.
-I, along with two other high school friends have opened a Collegiate DECA chapter to help bring competitive business back into our lives as well as introducing it to other students.