One thing a friend of mine does, is makes an “urban” survival bracelet. He weaves a paracord survival bracelet, and embedded inside of it is a $100 bill. He wears this while traveling. If something happens and he is mugged or loses his wallet, he has emergency backup money. You could offer to embed any amount that a person wanted in a make-to-order scenario. I have 2 of these in my size with $100 bills in them. I like the idea I will be prepared next time I travel, as I will have secret emergency funds.
That’s awesome slimjoe! Masters… Wow… You sir, must have a great motivation to do great. I hope all goes well. And am sure you can do anything you’d like if you put your mind to it!
Hotel biz is da bomb, just be careful of those undercover boss’
As long as someone wants to give you their $100 bill in the mail, that idea is a go. Well, I got some supplies on the way to me, so I’ll keep you posted on this. It will be up to BC from there to take the profits and buy more supplies. But, we’ll see how these do. Even if things don’t go as planned, that’s life and that’s business. There is only one way to learn though. This should be fun.
Glad to see you guys are working things out! And hope to see whatever maddog does turn out awesome!
Plans are falling into place here. Although things must be put on hold for the next week (vay-cay lol).
But on the plus side: Luckily we were able to recover our computer from a virus (root virus, nasty stuff). Working from my iPods great, but when you loose a three-four paragraph message to get a link it’s quite the hassle
Or the person could send an extra $100 in payment (paypal or whatever) and the maker could inset the $100 bill. It can then be insured for the final shipping to the buyer.
I’m not actually in the market, as I have a couple of these. I just wanted to give you the idea to use, because a lot of my traveling friends have bought these from my friend who made them. If you could find a way to markeyt these to a broader traveling audience, you might have a small hit on your hands.
To you young business minded folks what’s your goal and where do you see yourselves in 5 & 10 years? Each with your respective goals and hopes.
Then to put a twist in the flow what would you see your life in 5 or 10 years if you were hurt on the job or became disabled altering your dreams and hopes, how do you see yourself handling that?
I ask because I’ve been on the disabled list for 8 years ( so he better part of a decade) and really would like to give some insight into a life not planned.
I look forward to hearing your first 5 & 10 year outlooks and then your second if there was something unforeseen that would change the outlook of life.
I hope your disability is overcome-able. I was on disability form 26-34. A long tough road. Still working on the long term goals from that now, and I have been off disability for 10 years. Life sometimes has plans for us that we would prefer it didn’t.