Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

Leg yoyo (stickers):
Not so sure you want to promote yo-yo in the bank. Maybe a skill toy store instead. I think the stickers are a good and popular choice. Mail them, hand them out, ship them with orders, leave them lying around. You explained all that. There was as much about why you were not picking some answers, as why you picked the one you did…but overall I got the idea why you picked the stickers. You were descriptive…so, this was a good answer.

StringKing (stickers):

I love his answer. He analyzed the whole yo-yo community and what he saw involving stickers. He discussed “cross promotion” and working with other businesses to include his stickers in their orders. That, is the kind of thinking I was looking for. He also mentioned the possibility of selling them and turning his stickers into not only promotion, but profit. He also talks about how many he can get for the money and the best “bang for your buck.“ Fantastic answer.

Slim Joe (stickers):

Another great answer. He talks about using his prior experience with the internet, and merging that with the stickers to center a contest around them. Excellent idea. He discusses distributing them with his orders, and the fact that it targets his market in the yo-yo community. He also discussed the color and attractiveness that they could be shown off well and get attention.

Abby (business cards):

Abby is the only one who chose business cards, or something other than stickers. Not a bad thing either. There is one yo-yo store I know of who uses them. They are not business cards per se, but the exact size of a business card and they are mailed out with orders. On the back of the card is a coupon for $5 off or something.

Abby mentions not targeting kids, but adults. I’m not so sure we want to leave the kids out promoting in yo-yo. She mentions handing them out, and leaving them around, but not mailing them out with orders or anything like that. Maybe because this is yo-yo “painting” she sees that as a more adult market.

She likes the seriousness they provide. Can seriousness and yo-yo go together? Maybe, I think it’s all what you want to present in the end.

BcMaddog (stickers):
Simple answer…stickers, because that’s what he sees around. He hopes to hand them out and have people stick them on things. Does not mention mailing anything out really. He chose a safe item though. I think he knew he might be far ahead on points. No slacking BC… :stuck_out_tongue:

*I wanted to see that you maximized the possibilities of the item you chose. Did anyone consider cross promotion, or using their internet experience you already have with the items to run a contest perhaps?


StringKing: 12

SlimJoe: 12

Legyoyo: 10

Abby: 10

BcMaddog 6

I will update total scores shortly…

heart explodes…

I believe the tables may have just turned…

I tied Abby :o…

I’m not a contestant here, but I was bouncing between the stickers and business cards. I landed on business cards which probably demonstrates my age rather than business acumen. From the bleacher seats I’m sitting in cards seem a more safe and traditional approach of getting your name in front of prospective clients. Stickers seemed to be an item with a greater appeal to young people. What I failed to consider is “young people” is precisely the demographic I should most likely be targeting.

Great work all! And once again, TotalArtist, thank you for an exceptional primer in business education which has been conducted in a very professional manner. My hat is off to you. The merit of this contest cannot be overstated.

I tied Abby and slim joe :open_mouth:

Abby: 12+6 +8+6+10
BC: 10+12+10+12+ 6
SlimJoe: 8+10+12+6+12
StringKing: 8+8+8+10+12

I’m creating suspense…I could just add them together…but that has been BC’s job :smiley:

I agree! TA I’m so thankful you had this, I loved everything about it! And not only did I have fun, but it was a great learning experience too!

Thanks TA!

I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m picking out colors for my Legyoyo holster too. I’ll PM when I decide the color and pattern. I’m waiting for BC to do math, I want him to add the numbers lol.

I haven’t been paying attention to the total scores haha. Everyone did great!!


Bcmaddog 50
Abby 42
SlimJoe 48
Stringking 46
Legyoyo 44

O MY! I won? I am horrible at math if I said I lost earlier :I…

Yah! Also good job everyone!!!

wow! Really? I didn’t think you’d order one :smiley:

Does that mean I took second? :o



yay! I wanted the severe!! :smiley: Congrats, man!

Hey I got third! I guess that means I’ll have another Popstar coming my way… Though honestly, I was hoping for fourth because I wanted the T6.

You got what you wanted (and I got what I always wanted)…

i thought you get to chose…

As in 1st place chooses 1st and. So on.

You could get a MYY T6 or Fireball (with tons of stuff) instead if I’m right…

It’s a holster…I’m a holster nut, of course I will order one!! We will talk in PMs tomorrow, and I will do a TotalArtist review too.

I have to find my prize list so you can pick in order…one minute… :-\

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Hold up now. They were ordered with numbers based on prize getting, right?