You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

It happened again. ???

I had a dream last night I was in my junior high school gym and the Duncan yoyo team came in to perform. I got so excited I jumped up and ran across the tops of people’s heads to get down to them.

What do you do?

Well, you could do reality checks every time you think about yoyos (Learn about lucid dreaming) and then when you dream about yoyo’s you’ll be in control.

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You friend people on facebook with a yoyo for a profile picture :stuck_out_tongue:

Me all the time!

When your friends tease you about having houses for your yoyos and its true. (I bought the yoyo apartment)

when all your friends stop being so amazed by your yoyoing because you are always yoyoing and they are used to seeing it.

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you feel naked if you don´t have a yoyo in your pocket xD

I had a dream that Augie Fash was my father. He grounded me for using his BOSS without asking… weirdest dream ever…

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You can borrow it anytime you want!

I got a bunch of colors.

  1. Thinking on what new trick to learn during school.
  2. Carrying your yoyo with your own yoyo holder every where
  3. Playing manhunt with a yoyo.
  4. While waiting to join a server on black ops or waiting for the game to start playing with the yoyo.
  5. Buying a new awsome yoyo and after 2 days of playing with it you want another one.
  6. never stops yoyoing
  7. Has a yoyo youtube channel
  8. Has pictures of himself yoyoing on facebook
  9. always on chatting with other yoyoers
  10. Any money you get you think on buying a yoyo

Thats all what happens to me!!!


When youre looking up yoyo stuff and you have to physically force yourself to get off and do hw.

When you have a falling out with your business partner because you don’t go to his kids birthday party and play with your yoyo all day instead…haha

he will get over it…

When you yo-yo at parties…


You carry like 4 yoyos any where you go

You measure height with yoyo strings, and weight with the mat of woven yoyo string that you wove when someone borrowed your yoyo

You create a list of yoyos you wanna buy by adding the items to your cart before you even have the money to be able to afford everything totaling more than what anyone would pay for at once.

Current Total $441.10 before shipping.

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^ I do that ALL the time haha


you feel a yoyo on your finger and try to use it but it is a big fail because really there is nothing there.

I work at a place that archives people’s memories (such as movie film, video tapes, prints, etc). My supervisor was checking through some photos that were scanned to make sure they were done right as I walk by and see what she’s doing. Immediately I noticed something and told her to flip back a couple images. Sure enough, it was a kid, playing with a Firestorm yoyo. Her response (joking): “Oh, God! You and your < insert word here> yoyos!!!”