You know you're obsessed with yoyoing when

me take it to

Stop stealing my picture, mkay?

If you ask nicely, i would be okay with it, as long as you give me credit for making it.

may I please use your gif? thank you :slight_smile: (See I asked Nicely)
and I give you credit in my siggy

There is no proof you made it, so until the proof is presented, I will not give you credit.

I have the full sized gif and the animation file (.piv) on my computer

haha ;D the last 10 posts are from three different people with the same picture, haha ;D

I know it’s awesome ;D and besides it’s a pretty sweet avatar :slight_smile:

Prove it!

okay, here is a screen shot of the animation program with the animation file loaded

But how do I know you didn’t just make it after seeing it after someone else?

hahahaha, ive just been pulling your leg this entire time. I don’t even like the avatar that much, I just used it because it made you mad. :stuck_out_tongue:

yea, i know you were just trying to make me mad.
and the frames shown on the top make the EXACT same animation you see

when you have a bad dream about cracking fhz caps trying to take them out…

Each time you go to a different big box store like Walmart/Kmart/Target, you head straight to the toys to see what yo-yos they (don’t) have. When heading to Toys R Us, the first stop is the yo-yo shelf (Which our Toys R Us has them conveniently has yo-yos placed right at the entrance)

When I see someone threading a movie reel at work (We do video transfers) I think of the reel’s starbursts that grab the film as some kind of response system

As said already, you have dreams of yo-yoing/going into the store seeing new yo-yos stocked on the shelves

You hope for another boom so you can easily find more yo-yos

You’ve gotten your brother hooked on it (I got my bro interested in counter-weight play)

You buy your younger niece a yo-yo so you can teach him/her how to yo

Lastly, you feel that every time you come across a different yo-yo, you must buy it to try it out or add to your collection.

You know you’re obsessed with yoyoing when you don’t quit yoyoing no matter what. Too bad Johnny Rocks!!! quit. Just too sad. :‘( :’( :‘( :’( :‘( :’(

23 u sit in school all day just waiting to go home put your ipod up really loud and yoyo

you’re in walmart with your girlfriend and all you do is throw .

when you are sitting on your computer, browsing the yoyo forums, an at the same time doing endless hop the fence’es.

when you start yoyoing in the bath room

When you try to lose more weight for some body tricks, instead of lossing weight for health. And aI’m not saying I’m overweight or fat, I’m just saying.

When a simple fascination with how strings are made becomes a full blown (I guess you call it company) Wow!!! Try my string.