You knock something over when yoyoing and...

I’m just curious of what people do in this situation


I make sure I’m in a place that I don’t do that.

One time i knocked a lamp over, whipped out the super glue and went back to yoyoing.

its usually my stuff that I knock over so I will just leave it until im done throwing then i will fix it.

You guys knock stuff over while yo-yoing?

well, rarely.
but i always make sure that i have enough space for throwing.

I learned to not hit stuff, but incase i do, flee the crime scene.

don’t really knock anything on the floor but i have broken many light bulbs lol

I make sure my wife hasnt noticed. Especially when I’ve just put a dent in that really nice fruit bowl she got from Goodwill…Oops…

last thing i knocked over was myself. Tapped myself out on a dismount. don’t know how but i went down. Worst part was my wife called me an idiot and to go outside with my toys.

That’ll hurt the pride

#2 all the way. I might knock it again :slight_smile: