Yesterday, I just purchased a Yomega raider, new in the box. The yo-yo is transparent, has clear edges and teal, bluish green caps. The yo-yo is apparently copyrighted in 2019 according to the stamp on the plastic. So I was doing some basic string tricks and some looping, but eventually, for some reason, the string didn’t seem to grab onto the yo-yo as I threw it down and tug it back to make it return.
To elaborate, no matter how hard I threw the yo-yo, the string seemed to “slide” off the bearing. I noticed when a yo-yo is normally thrown, I can feel my throw’s power being transferred from the string to the spinning yo-yo. But in the Yomega raider’s case, when I throw it, it just feels like the yo-yo is just falling off my hand. It feels like when I release the yo-yo, the string just falls out and the yo-yo doesn’t spin much. It’s kinda like a quick frictionless, unzipping motion. I figured it might be the starburst response system because it didn’t feel like the yo-yo string was gripping onto the sides as I threw it down or try to tug it back up. But I’m not sure. It’s a new yo-yo but I took it apart to check. The spacers look clean, I made sure the bearing is aligned, and I even checked the plastic for defects or cracks. I admit that the yo-yo banged on the floor one or times on accident but I shook the yo-yo, nothing rattled inside meaning there seems to be no loose parts. Nothing else seems to be wrong. The starburst shouldn’t look overused, I bought it just yesterday. I even tried my best to make sure the yo-yo halves are not loosely screwed in. The yoyo has not been overtightened because if it did, I would have heard or seen cracks.
I’ve already tried other troubleshoot methods. Thick lubing the yo-yo. Changing the string. Even double, triple, quadruple looping around the axle. I even made sure the string stays centered around the axle. The yo-yo sometimes becomes responsive but shortly after, the string starts slipping from the axle again.
Before I try modding, what should I do? Any ideas of what may be the problem? Any other remedy suggestions? Could it be I just happen to have a dud yomega raider? I’ve considered buying a replacement. But I don’t want to buy another one if many other raiders have the same problem straight out of the box.