Yo-yos that lived up to the hype, surpassed your expectations, or fell short of them

Yoyo that lived up to the hype for me was the vayder. Very good and fun throw. Edgeless too. So good but kinda seems forgotten about now because its yyf. my favorite organic of this year by far (except for the 5star, ily). Im also really excited to try the symphonius or however you spell it, but have to wait 1 more day :rage::rage::rage:

Yoyo that surpassed hype for me is definitely the puff adder. Not even saying it because im sponsored by them. If you took every reticulated throw and put them in front of me before I was sponsored the puff adder wouldve been the last on my list, its everything I didn’t think I would enjoy. But its actually my favorite yoyo by far right now. Its not a performance beast, but it has this really special and fun feel that is hard to really pin down. I havent even been playing my organics because the puff adder just blows everything else I have away for pure fun.

Also want to throw in the VI IX here because that throw is super underrated/appreciated because it was made in china, but is my favorite art besides maybe the dk.

Yoyo that didnt live up to the hype for me: idk, this is a tough one. I was really excited to try the beartrap when it came out but just didnt enjoy it. Thats true for a lot of clyws stuff since I came back to the community. I also used to despise the MMC but since ive put a centering bearing in it it feels so much better. I guess id have to put the grail in there too, I really didnt like it.