Yo-Yo won't sleep

I have a duncan butterfly that just won’t sleep it comes right back up like a brain style yoyo. Does anyone know how to fix this?


check if the string is double looped. sometimes Duncan double loops the string on their fixed yoyos by default. Also make sure your string is not too tense. string tension often leads to responsive behavior.

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Super easy to fix by just taking the loop off your finger and running your fingers down the string. This makes sure the string isn’t twisted up too tight. Try that first and hopefully you’ll be good also I like your screen name.

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already tried that and no luck thanks though

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it is double looped, how do i fix that?

Get a knife or maybe a needle, something long and thin, and you can pick it out

Don’t use a knife or any of that just untwist the string from the Yoyo side and pull the Yoyo through just double check that you are not triple looping it


twist string until you can get your finger between the threads and more or less remove the loop like you would a string on any other yoyo. more loops more response less loops less response. similarly thinner and thicker string do the same thing. more friction more response less friction less response.

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Similar to this (illustrates how to twist and untwist the string)

After you untwist the string just remove one loop.

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Yo-yo won’t sleep, so don’t sleep on yo-yo.


the string has a small knot on the axle which is preventing me from removing it

what should I do in this case?

Axle knots are very common. my favorite tool is a Bobby pin bent funny but look for a toothpick or something like that to try to get it loose.


Welcome to the community, you will find all levels of experience hear and plenty of people who will offer you help. Do you know if you have a club in your area? It’s another great source for help and learning.

You are probably feeling frustrated at the moment (we’ve all been there), when this happens just take a step back and reevaluate the situation. Remember, you are smarter than it is.


I often use a pair of needle point tweezers or a toothpick but either way picking at knots is a thing you do at times.