Yo-Yo Camp?

your making this to your favor :wink: I think we should camp out in Yellowstone :slight_smile: or where they do that YMCA thing.

How bout Iowa theres lots of open fields we can camp in for free and just eat corn from the nearby farmers sound good?

ā€¦done a lot of snackinā€™ on field corn have you? ::slight_smile:

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I like corn

Uh we still need a place though to do this. Maybe we could do it possibly in baltimore if we do BWI is right there so it wouldnā€™t be a far drive or anything.

haha not really most of it isnā€™t sweet corn itā€™s animal feed.
Also I think this camp should be like 3 or 4 days because I donā€™t know if I can throw for 12 hours a day for like a week or anybody else couldā€¦ Just sayin

Yeah Iā€™m thinking we should have a few more camp activities like making sā€™mores and stuff. Oh and we should have a camp store with yo-yos and stuff in it!

I think Yellowstone or Yosemite would be great, except for the bears and dangerous wild life.

Do yoyos smell like food? The bears might eat them.

no but Hi-Chew does. And where thereā€™s JD thereā€™s Hi-Chew :wink:

On amazon they have giant packs for 10$! Mine came yesterday, no im set for a month.

Can we get back on topic now?



I think it would be great it someone made a version 2 thread setting out the ideas given here in a short summary and then people can come together and figure something out maybe. And if you havent looked through the Czech camp pics I would do so because that looks awesome and I think if they could do it there we can do it here

Why a second thread? Just post the summary here

ok that works too but I think this could seriously happen if we got enough people to sign up before hand and prepay to a trustworthy coordinator it would be frigging awesome this is getting me so excited for something that might not even happenā€¦ What General Area do you guys think would be good? I think like the Ohio Indiana Illinois missouri would be good areas

I would like to camp in places where we could swim, after all it is a summer camp.

swimming + yoyoing= epic