Yo-Yo Camp?

We “old people” thank you for your consideration. :smiley:

leader ideas:
Andre Boulay
Augie Fash
Jensen Kimmit
Gentry Stein
Ben Conde
Zach Gormley
Ann Conoly
Graeme Steller
I was trying to think of slightly older, but not too old or too young players. Anyone else I’m missing?

Tessa and JD we need girl cabin leaders to, we can’t have guys bunking with girls (even though I don’t think it it a problem, its just a “safety” hazard). I’d love to hang with Ben and André for a week! SPOILER ALERT DO NOT READ IF YOU WANT THIS TO BE A SURPRISE! I over heard at CalStates that André is working on a DvD with more tricks, starring himself.

Yeah we’d need some girls for sure… Ah we’d figure it out well enough if it really was gonna happen.

If this idea actually works, I could possibly talk to people on that list…


I would tolerate it, but I wouldn’t enjoy it

JD is a guy. right? :stuck_out_tongue:

What about Graeme Steller?

never heard of him (or her?) but I’ll add them to the list…

I don’t know.

Whats wrong with Mckenna?

I just don’t like her

I don’t even know who she is! But if this idea actually works I am so going to it!

Wow, you have all the reason to not like her. C’mon explain ._.

I’ve wanted to see a good video of Andre for a while the only ones I’ve seen are like 2002 with horrible quality :o

I made a thread about it lol :smiley:

I forgot the period. I meant to separate “Tessa and JD” from "And we need cabin leaders too.

Well if anything they have to people that are responsible about it. (someone out of college) or at least can control other people but must have social skills!

if your a yoyo player you must have social skills, I’ve never seen a shy yoyo player that performs, every yoyo player isn’t shy and thy always stand out.