Yet another C13 review

So, like so many more people out there, I went and bought the C13 when it came out. It’s lived up to all of my expectations.

This thing is a beautiful yoyo. The splash is just enough to give it an artistic look, but not enough to take away from the general beauty of the yoyo.

When I went to buy this yoyo, I was expecting a feel similar to a Skyline. But, nope. Nothing like a Skyline. The weight is just right for the size, and you quickly get used to having such an extreme shape.

It took an hour or so to get used to throwing this one straight due to its shape. But, after that initial shape shock, it plays like a pro. The extra wide gap can accept over 4 layers of string without binding up, and it has a great sleep time. Due to the extreme rim weightedness, it plays dead smooth. No vibe whatsoever. Slacks, whips, ect. are really easy with the gap.

All in all, it’s a great yoyo. Really worth the money.

Hope you enjoyed my first review!

Nice first Review!!!

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Nice. Short, sweet and to the point. :smiley:

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Thanks for the review… I got mine on order. can’t wait!!! IM getting a boss as well. Guess i’ll try my hand at a review when they come in.

Good review! Keep it up!

fr3ak your so lucky that ur getting both, i could have got this and a boss but i wanted the bassalope so badly i just had to have it lol