Starscreem you had some nice tech ;D you just need to smooth tricks out. Lower your sholders MAN! don’t make yoyoing look like so much work…good body language can make your yoyoing look so much more smoother. Keep it up! good tech players are few and far between but I really think you have something there.
Xela YOUR STUFF WAS SMOOTH but I feel your style would really jump out if you would implement more tech into your combos/tricks.
Its not about individual votes. I count points by judging that are completely separate from votes, then I add them together. So Xela won. I will post actual points in a minute
Woah, when adding the votes, xela had: 84 points! Wow!
Starscreem had: 80. It looks like the votes nearly tied them up. Great job both of you! Xela, you are moving on. Starscreem, you may be returning, but that may happen later!