Xacto knife for c clip removal FTW

Here’s a quick tip for those who struggle using needles or pins to remove bearing shield clips:

I spent years of struggling with pins and needles but one day last year I decided to grab the xacto blade off my workbench and VOILA! Instant success!

90% of the time it works the first time every time


I use a sewing needle. Sometimes it takes a few tries but I’ve always gotten it eventually. I’m going to try an exacto next time now.


I used straight pins, too, but I have a magic safety pin that works first time every time! I almost gave up on a OD 10-ball after countless attempts, then I got it first try with the safety pin. If it ever gives up the ghost, I’ll try the Xacto.

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I’ve tried X-acto knives and still can’t get those shields off 99% of the time. :confounded:


Make sure you’re attacking the right side - one side of the clip is angled out one side is angled in. You will slip out of the one side no matter what you use. Forgive me if you already know this I just was talking about all of this with someone who I assumed knew all of this but didn’t. Figured maybe others would benefit as clip removal can be a struggle!


My go-to tool is the safety pin for size c bearings. But when I use it to pry the c-clip on a size E or K bearings from loopers, hobby (xacto) knife is the solution since the c-clip is so small.

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Had to double check urban dictionary because something wasn’t adding up…
FTW is an abbreviation used for many different meanings within different groups of people: 1. Online gamers: “for the win”. 2. Bikers/Old Jailbirds: “**** the world”…”,

turns out I fit in the Bikers/Old Jailbirds category…dang…

Also semi off topic but shoutout to bobby pins bent funny for being the best at unknotting axle knots

I feel this would lead to me slicing my finger open.


Xacto knife for c clip removal FTW

Frank Difeyo had advocated this for years, but as noted above, be careful with sharp things. Also thanks for mentioning the orientation of the tip angles on the clips. I think it’s not that well known.