WTB old school yyf DNA and 888


I have been missing some of my oldest throws. Looking to see if anyone has a yoyofactory dna or mutant dna and or an original 888 or a clyw BvM

Let me know.



Hello I have a lot of 888


Do you have any original 888

Not the 888x or anything I’m really looking for a made in America original 888

Thank you

Daniel Tsiakos


Yes, I have

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This is Aqua 07 888 but it’s with damages
Have also some 08-09 888 in different conditions, they are also USA made

Can you send pics of the damage on the aqua 07 888 and what you are looking for price wise?

Also where are you located?

Daniel Tsiakos

Wait, why does it matter? (Just out curious, not trying to be rude :smiley: )

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I’m pretty sure that @Yoyoman13371337 has multiples of every single cool yo-yo that has ever existed in his never ending arsenal.


They feel and play different. The original 888 was awesome and then the high wall 888 was really nice as well which was a modded original 888. Something changed in the feel and play when they made the 888x

Daniel Tsiakos

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thank you bro.

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If you really want one I have a silver highwall small bearing of which only 20 were made and sold through the yoyostore.com. I would say it is near mint with two small flaws/marks neither of which can be felt and do not penetrate the finish. However, it is not inexpensive. I would want $260.00. Good hunting, hotei.IMG_0200


Thank you for the offer. I used to have a pink high wall but that is too much for me I would just get one of the titanium ones for that much.

Thanks again

Daniel Tsiakos


No problem. Good hunting.

Long story here… YY G put out the 09 888 model on 080808, they were really shiny ano and were made to look scarce and at $189.99, wow but it has ALL the laser engravings of all the 07s ever.

Anyways USA had Red and Orange I think Japan had a black model that was small bearing, w shiny black ano.

I have that exact same 080808 888 it’s blasted and coated just no crazy makeup looking eyeliner, has everyone’s laser imprint. It’s actually a little shorter in diameter vs a regular 09, it’s weird.

A tiny scuff

this won’t be cheap…

I always put a KK in this bitch, it’s 1 of a kind as of now.as of what I kmow??

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