WTB OG Draupnir

A reply from Yoyorecreation in response to my inquiry about producing more OG Draupnir either in Japan or in USA:

Thank you for your inquiry.
Sorry, we have no plans to reproduce the original DRAUPNIR in any
factory in the near future.
But for us, DRAUPNIR is one of the most important yo-yo and we hope to
someday reproduce it.

… Drat.


I had received a similar reply.

"Thank you for your inquiry and your loving our product.
Sorry, we have no plans to produce DRAUPNIR in the near future.
But DRAUPNIR is an important yo-yo for us and we hope to reproduce it at
Please feel free to contact us for any other questions.

Komari Taro


195 days and counting! I must have broken the world record by now, right??

The word Draupnir is now the first word on my phone’s auto complete when I type the letter D. I might just name my next child Draupnir so this wait can end.

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