Wrongful, blatant forum censorship (and a larger discussion about A-RT as a company)

I’m not buying any more yo-yos from Putin.


Damn just saw this,

my man Spence popped off and I love it. I also love how well written and well thought out his responses are . This is after all a forum for discussion right ?


Idk much about the people they are associating themselves with but I just wanted to give my input on this discussion. Does it really matter who they associate with?

Like here me out… I buy yoyos because I like said yoyo… not at all to support the company or people running said company. I’m not saying I wouldn’t buy a yo-yo from a new company to support their start up, but I typically just buy yoyos that I think are interesting and never think twice about the company or the people running it. It’s the same if I was buy anything really…

If my favorite food is made by a crappy company but this food brings me happiness… I’m going to eat it while talking smack about the people that run it. If my favorite car is made by crappy people I’m going to buy the car, enjoy it, maybe even drive it up to their company and say nice car but yall are a pos. What if a company made a medicine that could save your family but the people that make this medicine associate themselves with bad people? I’m going to buy the medicine.

Personally I just don’t care about any kind of company making any type of product (unless we are friends of course). Arts products are never even branded. Just buy a grail, call it whatever you like, and enjoy it if it’s a good product. I think it’s great to have the discussion about the things they do that people don’t necessarily like or agree with but at the end of the day… I just want great products. If you buy a throw from art but hate them… Just buy a yo-yo you like from them, don’t promote that you did, and silently enjoy it.

I guess you just have to ask yourself… Do you (a.) buy products just to support a company or (b.)do you buy products because you love the product? If a is your answer then by all means never buy from them again… If b is your answer than just keep buying the yoyos and never think twice about where or who it’s coming from.

At the end of the day I don’t think anything like this should be censored though. Just some passionate people discussing things that they care about.


While I understand this mindset. And that’s fine for you personally.

My own take on this is:
If a company makes nice stuff, but they’re bad people.

There are plenty of GOOD people who make nice things as well.

My resources are limited. Both make good things, one of them is also good people. I’ll choose them to spend my resources with.

But I don’t fault someone else for choosing something differently from me.
I don’t buy good to support someone with, I buy them because I like the goods. But I also try to limit the way I contribute to harm being done (whether it be to other people or the environment or other). So I choose where I spend my resources partly based on that.


Very respectable insight to how you think about things. Keep up the great work. Love seeing your progress

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I need to do some research on these people and what’s going on. @SR1 send me some links about stuff to dive deeper into this whole situation

Cotton bro I really love ya, but this ain’t it man. I respect your opinion and can understand where you’re coming from but I really do think it’s a rather… niche… point of view.

It absolutely does. And people have expressed that, even though it’s not the MAIN point of this thread, there’s a lot of evidence here that people DO really care about who A-RT (or any company in our community) associates themselves with. People care what they spend their money on, and understandably don’t want it going to garbage people. When it comes down to it, people talk and vote with their wallets more than anything else.

But that’s the thing though… you ARE supporting the company regardless of your purchase intentions - the two are just simply and inherently tied together. No matter what, at the end of the day, you giving them money for a product is supporting them, their business and allowing them to keep doing what they’re doing - good or bad. The only way to arguably separate purchasing said company’s products from supporting them is to buy them second hand - but I don’t even really personally think that’s a great solution either, since it still creates demand for the product and in turn drives up primary sales.

That’s one of the aspects that sucks so much about this whole thing! As I said before, I love Jensen and Charles as throwers, they’ve been my actual favorites since I was a kid! And I love the Grail (and have NEVER been shy about that), I think it is a literal work of art and one of the greatest organic yoyos, if not one of the greatest yoyos ever made, period. Same can be said about their other products I own. So that’s what makes this situation very complex… and I know so many others have a similar background and feel the exact same way. It’s just not a simple, black and white, “just buy the products and don’t worry about who’s behind it or what they’re doing!” Cause while I do want to buy their products (especially that new D7!) I absolutely do not want/can’t bring myself to give them any money anymore. And it really, really sucks to see people you looked up to for forever associate themselves, and intertwine their brand and marketing with absolute dumpster fire human beings. It’s difficult because you WANT to support them but then they go and do dumb, inexcusable stuff that makes you want to run the other way.

It’s the classic conversation of can you “separate the A-RT (lol) from the artist”… well, in this case, I can’t. And from most reasonable people I’ve talked to, they don’t want to either.

Would be happy to. If I don’t do it tonight I’ll have it to you tomorrow. :+1:

Also side note (to everyone)… I really think everything that needed to be discussed here got fleshed out already, and in my opinion the thread satisfactorily came to a natural conclusion after Andre’s great response. Unless people really have something important to add, I’d say it’s best we leave it as is - especially regarding the A-RT stuff. It’s a really important conversation, but for now, even I’m tired of talking about it at this point lmao


Touche! One last question though… Is it not possible that they are just unaware of the things that the people associate with do? I’ve heard of what’s his name before… But I haven’t heard any of the stuff mentioned here. Maybe they are just unaware like me?

Unfortunately (and once again, I really don’t want to, and hesitate to dive into this here in fear that it might just evolve into the previous discussions) they are very aware, as they are directly involved in Chase’s “marketing” for his “brand.” And have themselves posted questionable content. I promise you dude, I am not the “SJW/cancel culture” type of guy so I wouldn’t be saying any of this if it truly wasn’t absolutely inexcusable/pretty shitty stuff they were doing/directly associating themselves with. It’s pretty sad to see. But I will of course PM you.


Oh okay. Just dm me whenever. Hope you’re having a great night


Thank you so much. That means a lot.

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oh. now I understand the comment in the other thread. lol

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Is anything that was removed screen capped?
I would love to read it all lol

Do you still listen to Michael Jackson music also? I can’t/ won’t and I was a big fan. After part 1 of that documentary I dropped MJ cold turkey.


Bill Cosby anyone?


Sorry bro, no one can run a company now and sell yoyos at $140 each online and expect people to believe that that company is unaware of the online/radio personality they associate with. We can assume chase and Charles spend lots of time on the internet, reading stuff… they came across Andrew tate, and his idiology will be right there, you can’t believe they didn’t know who they where talking and associating with. If a 18 year old posts a pod cast or whatever and brings on a questionable character on his show I’ll grant you the 18 year old is inexperienced etc… but A-rt has been selling out yoyos AL6 monometal solids (some with vibe, some with damage) for years, they know exactly what they are doing. Whatever chase and Charles do we can assume they are making informed decisions… probably under the influence of (no judgment, but it’s true) and it’s no excuse either way.

@Egon i too banned Michael Jackson from my wedding play list, doesn’t make a difference but i didn’t want a negative energy in my wedding. Haven’t listened to his songs in well over a decade.

@LX_Emergency i used to do improve/ comedy and i did a funny Cosby impression. I was very upset to find out about his past, and i can’t look at pics or the one video i have of my performs cause it makes me sick.

I 100% believe a company’s rep matters. So does every SP500 company, clothing manufacturer, every Dr, every store, restaurants… why would you want your customer base to think/ know you associate with bad characters. All press is good press until the bad press gets out there enough.

To each his own but i like spending my resources supporting companies/ people that share my values. On both sides of politics i find good people and companies to support.


I just don’t know much about the whole situation. I’m going to dive deep into it today

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I guess I’m just still confused on why you choose to spend your own energy upset over what a dude like chase is doing when he doesn’t care at all. it’s unfortunate that everyone’s favorite brand is attached to this guy that y’all feel is a bad dude.i get why people are upset but I haven’t been in the community long enough to know of all the stuff he’s said or done. the way y’all talk about him on here makes him seem like this boogie man that needs to be in jail or something . I’ve had meaningful interactions with Jensen but I don’t know the dude. I’m choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt and let them make their own decisions. Also, I think calling people who don’t agree with you dumb takes away from the point you’re trying to make

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He has a long history of being a bit of a bad guy in the community. Mainly scamming a lot of people out of yoyos via trades. This latest string of actions has just pushed it over the edge I think.
I agree about Jensen. I’ve not seen a bad thing from him. Seems like a decent guy, always nice to people in his instagram live streams. Makes music and gives away his art with yoyo orders. It’s just a shame that all this other stuff has now got tangled up with the actually company itself.


The real problem is that type of thinking is being absorbed by young boys. Theres tons of eveidence online showing how it has negatively impacted the thoughts and actions of young boys