Would you rather get yoyo products from another online store (That wasn't made for skill toys) or Yoyoexpert?

I initially bought my first couple yoyos from Amazon before really knowing where to go to get things.
After that I would never support some other massive retailer over a yoyo/skill toy specialty retailer, because alot of these yoyo retailers (like YYE) support and sponsor contests. I don’t purchase things exclusively from YYE, but I don’t make yoyo related purchases on Amazon/Alibaba/etc anymore.


Didn’t your parents tell you that you shouldn’t listen to some people? :crazy_face:
Did the owner of Amazon ever show up on your forum to answer questions, share stories, and enjoy anything?

Many of us have dealt with YYE for years, and never had any issues. Customer service/satisfaction is the best! (Yep! The best, better than Amazon.)

So this question is being asked about YYE on the YYE forum. What would the response of most stores/companies be if such a question was asked on their forum? :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull::skull::ghost:

(Can’t waste an opportunity to use these emojis before the holiday.)

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This is the amazing thing about YYE. I’m a member of several other forums, all music related. ALL of them charge in some way. Sure, the forum is free, but if you want to use their BST section, in order to sell (or post in that section) you have to be a supporting member. It’s not much, starting memberships are $10 a year. One ukulele forum has basic tutorials, but beyond the basics you need to pay a monthly membership fee to access more tutorials. You think about YYE and all the forum, and site in general, offers at no charge, it’s pretty amazing. And really awesome of Andre to make all of this available at no charge to the members.


I’m pretty sure I’ve funded YYE’s online operations for the rest of the year from the spending I’ve done on their webstore since the end of July. The whole site is an amazing resource, and I feel it deserves all the (economic) support we can possibly muster as a community.


Whatever has the best sale prices.

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Easy answer! Basically your asking if any would prefer Ramon noodle soup dinner or a steak with lobster dinner. Yoyoexpert is always my first choice in shopping, but there are instances where they sell out of a product I am wanting. When that is the case I go to the next carrier with any of it left, if at all possible ordering from my region. If that cant be helped then I search other shops outside of my region, but this is usually my last option. Customs can sometime take forever with packages.


Yeah, some things can be very difficult to find anywhere, even on YYE. I had to reach across to Europe to find an online seller who still had any blue OD side effects. I would have much preferred to get them from YYE, but I didn’t have that option unfortunately.

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