Would Love to Hear Your Imput

Alright guys, so we have all heard of video battles. However, what I am talking about is a different thing: an online video competition. I think it would be awesome. It could only be by yoyoexpert, and later we could get different companies to sponsor! Here are my ideas:

-Different Divisions-Of course for different styles, but I am talking about different amount of time yoyoing. This would kind of make it fair…
-Certificate Prizes-Says it all
-Winner can only join again after three months

That’s pretty much it. You like the idea? Give me more, and I will add to the list which I like.

Are you talking a “tournament” using video submissions as opposed to head to head video battles?


Sounds interesting. I’m not going to participate, but I think it could be interesting.

You’ve got to have a lot of rules like at a real competition. But, since this isn’t a competition and you can’t control a lot of things, the only thing I would suggest is a “no editing rule and no FX rule”. This forces people to choose their BEST take, not Borg together their best bits and pieces.

Yea, I must have forgotten to type that. I think it could be very fun, and everyone should participate. However, it should be considered a real competition and treated like one.

while the idea is not bad at all. I believe the most important part in a yoyo competition is the human part, the contact, meeting actual people. And this is what makes competitions so great.

such an online competition will end up being all about skill and nothing about human relations. While I believe yoyoing is more about human relations than actual skill.

I don’t think internet should be the home of competition, I believe people should go to competitions and become a part of the “real” community. Internet being merely an ersatz of that community.

Battles are a good format for internet/video.
I’m not sure that an actual competition would do any good to the community. Maybe if done right, but I have no idea how it could be done right.

Yea, I guess you are right. I just thought it would be something fun.

Imput is not a word that exists in the english lexicon. Though you may find some online dictionary definitions for it, alongside a lot of other words people made up, ‘imput’ does not exist as a word recognized by any decent dictionary.
Impute is a word, but doesn’t apply as your using it. I am not trying to be a ******, just correcting a mistake, so that in the future, someone might spell input correctly. Thats all.

You should know this is already done, video contests I mean, quite a bit actually, many stores hold video contests, YoyoSam being one of the larger ones, and I know the Russian ‘manufacturer’(importer) Aero held a large one just before the new year if I am not mistaken.

I also fail to see the most important aspect of yoyoing is the social aspect, that is for you Hadog, that is your opinion, you seem a very decent guy, but often you superimpose your beliefs and feelings over those of the yoyo community as a whole.
The social aspect of yoyoing, holds nothing for me. I yoyo for me.
I dont know another yoyo’r(I know of one, but don’t know him), and do I really care if I ever meet any more ? Not really, and its not because I am anti social, quite the opposite, ill try to explain…
While it would be neat, and different, to meet another thrower, it doesn’t affect, or influence, the way I look at my yoyo, or throw my yoyo.
Only I affect that, my thoughts, my feelings(I cannot go too far down this road, as I feel I am influenced to a degree by yoyor’s style, things I see that I like, videos etc… none of use live in a vacuum I guess)
I guess the point is, while it might be socially fun for Hadog too go to a contest, it isn’t for everyone, some might feel much more comfortable competing in a video contest, and I would guess that it has been the first step for many of our younger competitors today.
I know I see tons of the ‘YoyoSam’ videos, and oh Yeah(memory flash…lol) ‘Bombsquad’ did a big one, thats the other popular one I was thinking of.
The yoyo community is very individualistic, and I think when you start making sweeping generalizations in regard to something so personal and individual, you run the risk of fragmentation when your desire was cohesiveness.
So yeah there you go, kind of surprised no one else mentioned that video contests had been done already, and with some success I would say !
good luck.

To be honest This wouldn’t be too bad of an idea.
The problem is Competition’s are more like "Screw up and you’re done for the year which makes it just as exciting.
However for here you can do as many takes as you want.
Plus who would judge? And if so the quality would have to be amazing [ Video camera ]

OK, first off, I’m not against competitions. I myself am NEVER going to compete, but that’s MY choice. No, it’s not because “I’m so awesome that you’re not worthy”, it’s more along the lines of “I don’t feel like embarrassing myself as the center of attention up on stage”. I yoyo for enjoyment, not for competition. That’s just how I look at it.

I’m running sound at CalStates 2012. Honestly, I’m worried that I will be so distracted by yoyo awesomeness that it my cause me to lose focus of why I’m there.

I think the social aspect is really good part of the whole yoyo experience, provided you can hang with folks who love to throw and share. I think this is important in general. I think this is a very important part of the whole competition thing: the social aspect of it.

Now, back to the video contest. I won’t say the idea is bad. It’s not. It’s not great, but it’s not bad. It’s decent enough where it CAN happen and it CAN work and it CAN be fun. If we can get some judges, then let’s give it a shot. I mean, what’s the worse that can happen? The worse that can happen is this fails. Big deal. Learn and try again.

I personally think any kind of contest is a good thing. There are some people that can’t go to contests and compete due to distance. There are some that don’t want to compete because they are afraid of being out-shadowed by the pros. Video competitions are a great way to show the community the players behind it that aren’t big names. Allows people to become fans of fellow peers. I enjoy this idea. I recall Samad doing something like this a few years back.

Just my thoughts.

Maybe it’s a location thing. I’m pretty sure that for anyone who went to EYYC competing or not, the social aspect of yoyoing is the prime aspect, before yoyoing itself. We just had this conversation yesterday. Forums are merely an ersatz of the community.

But yea, I guess if you never went to such a contest, you can’t really understand. it’s like having a kid, you have to have your own to truly understand how it feels.

yoyoing as a hobby it’s fun and all, but the community events are what made it a way of life for many people.

I believe contests should bring people together, not encourage them to stay apart.