Imput is not a word that exists in the english lexicon. Though you may find some online dictionary definitions for it, alongside a lot of other words people made up, ‘imput’ does not exist as a word recognized by any decent dictionary.
Impute is a word, but doesn’t apply as your using it. I am not trying to be a ******, just correcting a mistake, so that in the future, someone might spell input correctly. Thats all.
You should know this is already done, video contests I mean, quite a bit actually, many stores hold video contests, ■■■■■■■ being one of the larger ones, and I know the Russian ‘manufacturer’(importer) Aero held a large one just before the new year if I am not mistaken.
I also fail to see the most important aspect of yoyoing is the social aspect, that is for you Hadog, that is your opinion, you seem a very decent guy, but often you superimpose your beliefs and feelings over those of the yoyo community as a whole.
The social aspect of yoyoing, holds nothing for me. I yoyo for me.
I dont know another yoyo’r(I know of one, but don’t know him), and do I really care if I ever meet any more ? Not really, and its not because I am anti social, quite the opposite, ill try to explain…
While it would be neat, and different, to meet another thrower, it doesn’t affect, or influence, the way I look at my yoyo, or throw my yoyo.
Only I affect that, my thoughts, my feelings(I cannot go too far down this road, as I feel I am influenced to a degree by yoyor’s style, things I see that I like, videos etc… none of use live in a vacuum I guess)
I guess the point is, while it might be socially fun for Hadog too go to a contest, it isn’t for everyone, some might feel much more comfortable competing in a video contest, and I would guess that it has been the first step for many of our younger competitors today.
I know I see tons of the ‘■■■■■■■’ videos, and oh Yeah(memory flash…lol) ‘Bombsquad’ did a big one, thats the other popular one I was thinking of.
The yoyo community is very individualistic, and I think when you start making sweeping generalizations in regard to something so personal and individual, you run the risk of fragmentation when your desire was cohesiveness.
So yeah there you go, kind of surprised no one else mentioned that video contests had been done already, and with some success I would say !
good luck.