I do web design in my spare time and every now and then I get the bug to make a new website. I was thinking of doing one that hosts yoyo battles where the viewers voted on the winner and prizes were given out. How does this sound to everyone? I think we could probably even get some sponsors to hook us up with some cool prizes and what not.
That would be awesome
Yea that would be pretty cool. But where would you get the prizes before you get sponsorships? And why would you give out the prizes? Is it a contest? Sorry if I sound negative. I’m just wondering. But I really like the idea
i think it sounds like an awesome idea. Maybe until you got some sponsors to donate small items or something people could do it just for bragging rights? idk just a thought.
Yeah i dont think prizes matter as much as bragging rights. And reputation. So you could get points or something for winning. I dunno…
you could also add reviews and interviews on there to try and make it more popular then throw some small adds on the sides to generate some cash for the prizes that way too
a point system to match people of relatively the same school skill level would be cool
I like the idea, sounds like fun.
I’m glad everyone likes the idea! Should it be 1 vs 1 or maybe tournament style I’ve had the idea for a while but I’ve never really thought about the details.
Ive never done any kind of web design before but maybe you could have like weekly 1v1 battles for bragging rights and then once or month or something have a tournament or once every 2 months etc… and thats where you win a prize
I think sponsors would love to support this.
I think this is a big green light
i would like to get some input from some other people that know web design, im thinking about using wordpress but im not sure if it will have everything ill need? any input?
Pretty much the biggest hint ever. Right there. Just sayin.
yeah i got that lol. im researching stuff right now. once i decide how im going to put the site together then i get some cash together then ill get it online. couple of months max.
by all means, use wordpress, I use it for both my yoyo websites - one is http://yoyo-france.net/ , the other is a shop so I can’t link it here -
your idea is pretty good. but I can see a few issues.
first being the traffic, you need content to drive your traffic on your website, news, interviews, but then you’ll be competing with established blogs so you will need to find some edge.
Another idea I’d have, in order to drive traffic to your site and also improve referencing to your site as well as others, is to try to centralize all the contests held by the shops, the blogs etc… providing links back and forth to the other websites.
but in order to do that, you will absolutely need a great design (again, wordpress is your friend there).
You need a strategy, hosting 1vs1 battle isn’t enough, they’re not THAT popular in the community to begin with so you need some incentives to get people to actually do it.
there are plenty of ideas to have, but if you want it to be successful, you’ll need to go all out and make a great website, as good as you can make it.
you have some examples of your work maybe?
You could also do something similar to The Cutest only with yo-yo videos.
I don’t have any examples unfortunately. Ives used Wordpress before though so I’m pretty familiar with it. And i have a pretty good understanding of CSS so I should be able to get something good going here. Is there any good forum plug ins that you could recommend for Wordpress.
I’ve decided to go with Wordpress for sure. I’m now researching hosting plans because I’m not using godaddy anymore because they supported SOPA. Also if anyone wants to help me with this or has a web design background feel free to pm me or email me mjmondello6611@gmail.com
Excited to get this off the ground.