Worlds 2016 General Discussion Thread

This is a video I shot during the world record attempt

I am so sad rn. I booked delta to get to WYYC and all their departures are grounded, so I am stuck in Cleveland for until they can fix this.

What happened to ground the flights??

AS usual, no results posted. Who won what?

A power outage in Atlanta causing a huge malfunction to all Delta flights around the world.

Whoa! reading about this now. You escape yet or still stuck?


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[s]Here you go:[/s]

Edit: Dust beat me to it!

They were up on both the contest site and YoYoNews when you posted this. :wink:

I do get this comment a lot…people who are irritated to see that there are no results here but they don’t check the official outlets. Kinda weird. If you’re ever looking for results here’s the order you should look:

Official contest site → → YoYoExpert forum

That’s pretty much always your best bet! :slight_smile:

Where will videos be posted? Not rushing, I just want to know where I should check.

Dude! I saw you compete! I tried to catch you after but didnt see you come back out. Shout out! I went “wooooooo!” when they said your name. :slight_smile:

On the Worlds YouTube channel. Winners will be up later tonight.

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They managed to get the systems back up and working. Still, my plane was delayed and a ton of stuff went wrong so I almost missed my second connection flight. Also, I saw a ton of competitors in the airport! :smiley:

Freestyles of the contest:

Shu Takada - 2A Final

Rei Iwakura - 4A Final

I can’t pick a favorite!

Once again Evan Nagao had everyone on their feet and placed 14th… shows how important string hits are in placement.

That is the saddest part of contests. But until someone comes up with a better way to judge, it is what it is.

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He broke it he was so good. Too far above the curve to even judge. He should have won imho. Not that others didn’t do great but he did the best I thought.

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Evan’s bangers were great, as were Paul Kerbel’s. To me, Gentry’s routine was the best. It was 3 minutes of musical cues choreographed perfectly.

Gentrys points were all perfectly on cue for sure. THat was a polished performance for the most part, but nothing I hadnt seen really before persoanlly, even if it was really well done. Ive never seen anyone yoyo on the floor before. thats plane breaking on a whole new level! haha

I know not a lot of people on the east coast enjoy the speedy japanese-type players but am I the only one that thought Yamato Murata should have won? Speed, technicality, difficulty, music use are all top notch. He might not take any one category to the extreme like other players but I thought he was oustanding in every respect. When I saw his performance on the live stream I was confident he had the win locked.

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