World Cup?

Who do you guys think is going to win the World Cup?


At the moment, France have probably been the most impressive side. Germany were also looking fantastic until the second game curse struck yet again.


Ya that was pretty disappointing :cry: They better get it together!

I am part Portuguese but I’m a USA fan.

Although, I was going to name my son Christiano but his mom wasn’t cool with it…

At this point, France is my bet, if they continue to play as well as they have.

I’m just glad we (USA) managed to pull through with a tie today. Would have been better if it had been a win, though…what a letdown, last 30 seconds of the game.

Still, USA may just make it out of the group of death! =D

U S A! U S A! U S A!!!

What season is this show in now? I only really watch part of the first episode.

Season Eight Episode Three

sweet thanks.

how many people have gotten voted out since it started? i really liked the messy guy (idk why they called him messy but i htink it was rude) did he get voted out?

I like Brazil,Netherlands a little,Germany a little, and Portugal a lil. I watch every game (except for the last Brazil game, I was at the movies)

The Brazil game was sick!

Yeah, he slobbered all over the table and the judges didn’t like that.

Wide open World Cup.

Since no one is talking about them and they just keep winning… Netherlands.

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That’s true. They are doing pretty good! The Netherlands Chile game was pretty fun to watch today.

So the US is playin Germany soon.


Brazil will dial it up.

Brasil all day

Basil all day.

this guy knows how to cook