Wood is Good

Race you to it!

Anyone cares to teach me how I can safely remove the wooden axle out of my tmbr baldwin metal axle? I’d like to sand it a little.

It’s on there pretty firmly from “the factory”, but all you need to do is “unscrew it” from the metal part. It’s not actually threaded on there; if you need to remove it more than once it will probably just start sliding off. But for the first time or two, treat it as if it’s threaded on there and it should come off. Don’t be afraid to twist it with a bit of effort!


Same applies for the Freemont and all of their take aparts, I suppose?

I would guess. He uses the same axle system for all his take-apart yoyos.

Every wood lover should have this page bookmarked for reference :wink:

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Bloodwood is a very unforgiving type of lumber to work with;  I surely will not be making these in large quantities-I’m still wearing a band-aid on my boo-boo this stuff gave me 4 days ago :cry: However, the end result was well worth it, bloodwood has a grain and luster that is unrivaled.
Check out some pics:

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That bloodwood is nice. Its like your purple heart and padauk had a baby, and made that awesome shade of wood. The center cap is a nice touch too. well done. You’re tempting me into getting another one :wink:

She’s a beauty, that bloodwood! Some would say she builds character! ;D

Amazing. I will surely pickup a pocket love too.

I have a Purple Heart Pocket Love.

I have to say, It is one fine Yoyo.
Really Impressive.

I just wish the Bloodwoods could be Shipped to Oz.

Purplepottamus, any guesses on when OUT will be at YYE? Dying to see some of them…

They have been shipped to YYE already, and Andre tells me they will drop any day now, but perhaps you can contact YYE and inquire.
To shift topics, does anybody know how much shipping to Australia would be (small package)? ;D

Not sure, if it helps, I just shipped a single yoyo to Thailand from the East Coast and it cost me right around 12 bucks. First class USPS in a small box. I wouldn’t imagine it would be too much different since its kind of over in that general area.

Usually About $15-30 for the average parcel from US to Aus.
Depending on size and speed.

BTW, everyone should grab one of these OUT throws.

If you want one and you cant wait for the drop-in-shop, Email YYE.

Sweet Players. Top Quality

Got my Lovejoys! Now excuse me, I have to go play. ;D



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My Daily Baggie of Yoyo’s has been invaded by Wood…

How awesome!!!

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I love your collection, WestAustralian! I need to get one of those purple heart Pocket Loves.

Thanks SloppyBinds :slight_smile:
My only Wooden Throw missing in the Pic is a Duncan Butterfly, I have been sanding the Paint off so I can Stain and Wax it.
That is not all my Yoyo’s though. Many, Many Metals and Plastics at home.

The Purpleheart Pocket Love is awesome. You Should get one.
I have a Bloodwood Pocket love on the way. :slight_smile: