Wood is Good

Oh nice! Thanks for posting that mrcnja! Now that I’ve seen this, I feel a little less apprehensive about getting a yoyo that isn’t already take apart, although I still like a smaller gap than the seemingly common 2 pennies. If I ever break something completely I know where to send it now.

Oh no! I made another video!

I start off with my favorite fixed axle trick, because favorites is favorites is…uh…huh? +kickflips, slacky type tricks, neck stalls, regens, and my string even gets a little sassy with me resulting in badabing fails!

YoYo: TMBR Freemont, YoYoExpert type 10 cotton
Trick inspiration(mostly stolen from): Drew Tetz and Ed Haponik at the very least
Fails inspired by yours truly

Shoutout to the goat yogurt on my clothes. You’re my best foodie! Its just for decoration, man.

I also uploaded a video of cross arm inverted brent stole on a Duncan Imperial, but this is about wood and wood HATES synthetics because they are sooooo fake! Sorry I even brought it up. My baddage.

Freemont is easily my favorite out of the 3 wooden fixed axle yoyos I have (Freemont, Baldwin, Turner). I shaved my axle down to max it will go on the Freemont (.5 even) without pushing the caps out and actually did start to push them out but not all the way. I super glued the caps and clamped 'em down. My Freemont weighs in at 50.4 grams for those interested in numbers.

On the Turner the caps are flawless so far. The caps are also bigger so that should help spread some of the pressure over the larger surface area making the bond stronger as GregP noted is the case with the Baldwin. I haven’t don’t anything to push the caps out yet though however so I can only theorize about it.

Over and underwear,

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No jive 3 in 1 wow if you throw a hubstack o ring in there it goes from great to amazing, I saw it in one of eds videos and finally tried it. I also have been doing repeating drop in the bucket stalls. I call them Barf Buckets

I was thrilled to find this today! I have a soft spot for the fixie Ed is throwing ;D

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How do you deal with knots on a non-take apart fixie?

A paperclip usually does the trick nicely. In cases where I can’t get a paperclip to do the trick, I’ve used a knife to cut the string out.

A toothpick is my personal choice…

It has a lesser chance of marking up the inside of the yoyo.

Hmm, I guess for simple knots. I was wondering about really crazy knots though. I had to use a blade to cut the string off.

Also, what’s this about burning your axle? Does it ruin your fixie?

This showed up today, after a long wait. The Yotricks Civility inspired TMBR.



Here’s how the shape compares to the Lovejoy.


The Lovejoy is really getting a nice color and finish from all the use it gets. ;D

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Very nice, yooldman! I want to find myself a Lovejoy. I was practicing Chris Makita’s triple tower on my Turner (couldn’t get close on the Fremont) and was wanting a wider gap and more spin for the fast bangers leading up to it the final hop.

I got a couple in the mail today. The Padauk is far more responsive than my other 2 Fremonts right out of the…envelope sleeve? This surprised me because the Padauk is very smooth, while the multi ply is very rough.


  • Padauk 53.8 grams
  • Multiply 54.1 grams


I’ve got some tournament tops yoyo, it’s black and from top to bottom it says,


Well, the good news is that there is no bad news. Also managed to hit Chris Makitas triple tower the first try this morning on my multi ply Freemont. Sleep is rad. Other good news, I managed to find some Lovejoys that I eagerly await. These are something special and I will not have to wait for them to go through customs this time. ;D

So I was all big baby about fixed axles that are not take apart especially regarding the O.U.T. yoyos because they are so purtty, but as with all things my mind changes as new data disproves unsubstantiated doubts. This led me to acquiring a Pocket Love in Padauk and a Just For Fun in oak to find out for myself.

I was again surprised by the weights.
Pocket Love (Padauk) - 43.3 grams
JFF (Oak) - 42 grams

While I have not yet broken them in yet, I have to say that I am very pleased with play and response. Very easy to snapstart due to the flat-ish rims. Great feel in the hand, at the end of the string and on it. Although light weight, they are both very stable and easy to catch in stalls, as well as easy to control with kickflips and other suicides. Very fun. I tend towards lighter yoyos, so I got the right cut of wood. The incredible detail and finish make staring at it easy.

Well done, Purplepottamus!

Pictures probably tomorrow.

Thanks for posting this Ed!

Thanks alot :wink: It means alot coming from a fixed connoisseur such as yourself.
I have been working on alot of neat stuff for my second drop. I have some nice hub inlays, and I am now sealing and polishing my fixies with an all-natural, non-toxic beeswax blend made in-house.
As for the first drop of OUTs, they are at YYE now, and Andre tells me he will release them soon.
Happy Fixed Friday.


Thanks for sharing that, Ed! Put a huge smile on my face. So many incredible tricks!

I just wanted to post a couple pics of my new OUT throws, a Pocket Love and JFF. I’m having fun with both! For those not familiar with the differences between the two, the Pocket Love is a little lighter, narrower and larger diameter than the JFF. The attention to detail and great play on these are seriously worth checking out if you haven’t already.


First, I can’t get enough of the sound of African Padauk! On the string, at the end of it, in your hand moving a finger across it…the sound is so unique that I want to throw it just to hear it. I’m pretty sure my padauk Fremont is middle C and my padauk Pocket Love is B natural with slight variations between the halves. :smiley:

Got some more pictures today that I hope you won’t mind.

First up some more Fremont love:
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Now for some OUT love:
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Some of the areas on the toasted rims on the oak JFF are translucent in some angles and lighting which makes the grain pop out through it while hidden at other angles. Maybe the wood melted there instead of burning and created this effect? It reminds me of rootbeer candies when light shines through them. Another subtle intricacy that adds enjoyment. #yoyosatisfaction

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I’ve been wanting a Lovejoy and had thus so far failed to find one. I missed out on the Eh, and now can’t even get a Lovejoy? Pobrecito! So, I’d decided to ask Colin if he was planning on making more. He happened to be milling purple heart and multi-ply the following day and offered to make me a couple. I have had a hard time sleeping in anticipation.

Note the pimped out axle on that multi ply! If Colin made grillz out of this stuff, I’d smile more often!
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Other point of interest is the larger caps. It is the same size cap as is in the Turner.


  • Multi ply laminate - 54.1 grams
  • Purple Heart (zebra caps) - 58.8 grams

HYPE WARNING!!! To those that chafe without effort in regards to customer excitement/product appreciation, please stop reading now!

Only had a chance to play my precious wooden discs of power for a few minutes but my first thought was that I was playing wooden Sleipnirs. Colin said that he had a hard time letting them go and I wouldn’t have blamed him one bit if he kept them! Huge thanks to Colin at TMBR!

Can’t wait to try these out to learn Ed’s stall → 3D Hop → stall and bash my knuckles, the wall and everything within reach of my string in the process.

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I must have this