Wood is Good

I purchased my grandmother one of those imperial shaped ones for 5 bucks shipped… I was impressed.

Okay… Put a new string on cause the other one was stretched and worn thin and the yoyo wasn’t coming back up.

New string didn’t solve my non returning yo issue. I’ve got to throw it really really hard but it still barely come up even with some pretty good tension on the string… A lot really. I am getting some impressive sleep times but that’s about it… Forget about trying a forward pass.

Tried wrapping the string twice but now ion the complete opposite side of the scale and not sleeping st all.
Any pointers?

I got one at summer camp once. They’re nice, but not up-to-par to a TMBR

I’ve settled on doubling up on the axle since I’m practicing stalls and regens… since it it would be nice to throw in a brain twister every once in a while.

I’ve burned thru all my cotton :(… I’m thinking I need yo make some high tension cotton slightly thicker and see what that gets me

If you come up with a winning formula, better keep it to yourself or we’ll all be begging for string. :wink:

Some of the stuff I got from yooldman is helping with responsiveness of my Eh, but at the end of the day I think I’m still going to take a page from the book of Ed and shave down the axle a hair.

Threw both the Eh and the Baldwin a bit today. That Baldwin is still a good bit of fun, in my opinion! It’s not “undersized” in the aluminum unresponsive yoyo sense of the word, but it feels undersized compared to the Eh or the LoveJoy. :wink:

Thanks for tips on shaving the axle… I think I’ve got a method of getting a piece of sand paper down inside this one piece…

Looks like it time to go off the deep end and get a good take apart wood yoyo… I’ve had more fun the past two days than I’ve had in the last 5 months.

Just to be perfectly clear: I have a take-apart throw, and I’m shaving the WIDTH of the axle down a hair. Not touching the playable surface at all. :wink:

i see… thanks for clarifying.

i’ll go dig around in the sewing thread today and see if we got any 100% cotton thread… I guess an internet search for some cotton thread is in order. Anyone got any suggestions?

Spintastics. Type 8 cotton is in and out of stock, but last time I checked it was in. No idea how it compares to other cotton, but it’s fine for me.

Yoyooldman compares it favorably to a type 9 he’s getting from another source. It’s good string. I’ve gone through quite a lot. GregP won a bundle of it back in March. Maybe he can add to the review.

That stuff’s quite good. It’s not the most responsive cotton I’ve tried, but in the right yoyo it hits a great sweet spot!

On another note: I shaved down the width of my Eh axle by about half a millimetre. That’s all it took, and now it’s playing exactly how I like it!

Now if I could only break free of the same tricks I keep trying over and over again… :wink:

Yeah, seems like it has a little break in period.

The type-10 thick cotton available here at YYE is also a very good string. Thicker and longer lasting than the type-8 they sell. Also a little more responsive.

ask and you shall receive… something. actually i’m not sure i covered everything [anything] you guys hoped for, but i feel like they’re’s some helpful content in there. happy friday!


My wood arsenal

All my fixed axle

Thanks so much Ed, this is exactly what I was hoping for when we bugged you for a tutorial.

*Edit:Best line ever: When you can do a Spirit Bomb and then a Shoot the Moon, your string tension is right. ;D  Awesome!

Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Thanks for taking the time to put that together Ed.

Terror Top Ultimate…in Osage Orange, with interchangeable side effects:

WHAAAAHT?! Awesome. Just curious, do you make your yoyos to come apart like a No-Jive or TMBR?


Most of the yo-yos I make are one-piece from a solid block of wood, with no glue holding the sides and axle together…fixed axle. I try to never make two exactly alike.

This batch just went to a retailer in France:
