@ed, i’d like to go out on a limb here (as usual) and suggest that it is not likely that you would be showing something too easy or basic. the basics are where it’s at! there are so many little things that make fixed axle play challenging, anything you want to tutorialize would be great.
I guess I consider things like tension, slack, response, gap width, axle, string, loops, and stalls as “basics.” Most of this information is already out there. However, I agree with the statement that “anything you want to tutorialize would be great.” It think it would be good to have a “basics” video to go along with the “Fixed Friday” videos. Even if it is redundant to some people, I think I speak for most when I say that anytime you want to impart any of your extensive fixed axle knowledge to us, we would love to hear it.
I’d love to see you and some others do some actual trick tutorials for some of the really oldschool tricks that have kind of fallen off. Stuff like what you would be able to find on kwos, if the images still worked.
Good point. With the modern unresponsive yo-yos, and the new wooden yo-yos being re-invented for more elaborate string tricks, there is a large group of very good players that never really learned (what used to be )the basics.
I learned on fixed axle yo-yos, but there are still tricks I struggle with. It could open up a fun part of throwing to a bunch of people, and they wouldn’t have to buy a new $100.00 yo-yo to do it!
Yes. Transaxle and bearing responsive yoyos work for stalls too. You can even do stalls on unresponsive yoyos. Catch the yoyo in a stall as it is binding.
My first post here, take it easy in this old school wood yo’er as we used to call ourselves. Haha! This is just a test to see if I can post pix from tapatalk and of they size up okay. Think I can go smaller of this doesn’t work. Love you Ed!!!
Okay so here goes nothing! Who am I? A proud father of four that loves having fun, you’re never too old to play!!!
I was around in the mid 90’s yoyo boom, I remember when the fireball, raider, and turbo bees first came out. I bought every new model that came out, loved them to death I really did, but my buddy’s and I always threw wood!!! You can see in the two that are broken, and these are just the ones I have held onto all these years! Many were before them
There was always something special about a wooden yoyo, still is! It’s near to my heart. The feel is like no other, the limited sleep, the string tension, how old is the string? Colored or white, how’s the weather? All of that effects the play, it’s a wild beast of the climate and you have to adapt to play it well in all conditions. For that I don’t think the wooden yoyo will ever go out of style!!!
Anyways, enough of that for now, I put yoyos down for a good ten years run until I somehow got a crazy itch to do it again about two years ago. So off I went yoyo shopping and youtubing, holy crap yoyos have changed!!! No more snags, no more surprise knuckle smashing. I bought a Metal Ando grind machine, and started my way onto unresponsive yo’ing (as we used to call it.) I got the bind down in the first couple throws, and it was fun, learned some new tricks had a lot of fun. But…
Something just didn’t sit right with me, call me old school I guess? Long story longer I put that grind machine down as well! It sat there for a good year untouched.
Fast foreword until six months ago or so and I picked it back up, still a lot of fun but yet it just didn’t feel the same… On to YouTube I went, found Ed throwing wood in a new way I’ve never seen or even thought about!!! Sure we did regens and loops out of tricks, but never a stall! Never horizontal!!!
Holy crap are you kidding me!!! This is where it’s at!!! I dug through my old yoyo collection and pulled out my BC lightening and began throwing it. Loop city here I came, tried to learn some stalls, landed enough to buy a Lovejoy. Fell head over heels for wood again, picked up a few here and there and that’s where I’m at today!!!
Taking to kids out to swing and jump on the trampoline while I throw my new Eh is a blast!!! Now it goes everywhere with me! It’s the perfect wooden yoyo I’ve been wanting my whole life!!! Going to order another to put away just incase I break it or lose it! I would be heart broken.
If you made it this far, thank you from the bottom of my heart and a big thank you to Ed for putting the wooden yoyo back on the map!!!
I live in NC so one day Ed I hope to shake your hand! Wish my kids had you as a teacher!!! You rock buddy!!!
Not sure, but just as another data point I blow through type 8 cotton about every 30mins! Ordering type 10 with my backup Eh My tmbr axles seem to be taking the beating rather well, but I imagine Ed or the other die hard wood throwers have more info on that.