Wood is Good

Make these and sell them please!

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Those wooden throws with bearings are amazing. How did you get those? Or did you make them?

Yes he made them.

I’ve got a quick question. How long does it usually take for a cotton string to snap on a wooden fixed axle?Just curious…

Depends on how often you throw and how hard you throw. Also, the type of cotton string comes into play. I have had some last a few hours and some days depending on how much time I would throw. If you are a casual thrower than I would say change out the string every few days so it won’t break on you.

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Thanks! See, I have som stuff that lasted 5 days on me and I was wondering if that was normal.

On a looping yoyo cotton will only last a couple of hours for me. On a butterfly used for string tricks they last considerably longer. Maybe 6-8 hours. In either case they tend to break mainly where the finger loop intersects the string.

i generally play them only until they lose some bounce (and the general feel that i like). i usually get about 45m of play out of type 8 cotton with a wood axle. the thicker type 10 i use lasts significantly longer; a few hours.

They last longer than poly, thats for sure.

I actually like cotton string. If you buy normal white string, not colored, it seems to play pretty well. I like it better than poly, but poly is more realistic to use

Don’t you mean poly lasts longer???

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No. Poly burns and melts on a wooden axle. Cotton doesnt. Just frays after wear and tear.

Never had that happen. Guess my throw sucks.

Ahhh! THose are beauties!

Also, my fixed update is that I landed Spirit Bomb on the Eh and it felt pretty, pretty good.

Must be your throw. I just put a poly on my Eh and it exploded and disintegrated.


Bahaha. Must have been quite the scene! :o

I got a Lovejoy and Baldwin today! I must say, I is quite different than I had initially expected. Any tips for starting out? I can’t seem to get it to come back up after performing any sort of trick. How about stalls? I ought to be missing a lot of stuff about this yet.

Also, can you silicone the small divots instead of putting a friction sticker in there?

I can’t wait to figure more out!

Edit: Appears part of it was my string, but I’m still going at it!

I just Spirit Bombed my Baldwin on my fifth try total. :slight_smile:

I’m getting a freemont and my wooden kendama! What should I expect?

Alot of fun/frustration/fun.

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