the nice thing about stalls is that essentially every mount can be applied as long as you understand how the spin direction works with the string. if you want a challenge, here’s one of the toughest i’ve come up with:
Ugh, I need to upgrade from my Irving. I’m tearing up my hands trying Lunar Landing.
I liked my Irving much more after taking some sandpaper to the sharp inner gap edges, giving them just a little bevel to take the pain out of all the thumb starts I had to do.
What string do you guys use?
I worked with Spyy-Steve on it. It was based on a design we cut and tested last summer at Canada Nats with Longoria. Some tweaks to the profile and a totally reimagined axle setup. Then we made some changes again with the Tmbr release.
I use type 10 cotton which I twist myself from an ooooooold cone Steve Brown gave me. It’s lasted me years. I have another like it that I’m getting ready to have to go to. Type 8 cotton is fine to; just dies quicker.
Hi Ed, apologies if you already answered this, but what is your full Eh setup (string, gap width, response)? I saw on your blog that you used a friction sticker.
The reason I’m asking is because I don’t know what I’m doing here and trying to learn. A good baseline would help. I’ve fiddled with the Eh to tune it up nice and I think the axle got compressed a bit so I shimmed it with little bits of string (actually works great) to get the gap back. Also, for now the axle is double-wrapped for lots of response until this type of play gets more comfortable.
Most likely I’m ordering the TMBR axle kit to play around with it.
So far, the Eh is loads of fun and my TMBR Irving is a nice complement to it.
Where can I buy type 10 already twisted? PM me.
I pulled the trigger on a Baldwin and axle kit, I’m so excited!!!
$0.02 gap, type 10 cotton, dead 2nd-gen duncan sticker.
Please don’t promote other online stores.
They rock! :o
There are actually a bunch of TMBR throws available here. For some reason the TMBR doesn’t show in the drop down menu though. Have to use search.
Here’s a link.
Thats awesome news!!! Thanks Vega… Best news all day for me… Since I got the “Eh” I am trying so many modern tricks with it and they actually work for me!!! I had played TK’s for so long that I just did not look at a TK as a “modern” trick machine… Kinda like how I just this weekend discovered The Black Keys… Poor poor me!!! HAHA Oh well I plan to get a Baldwin and Freemont soon!! These TMBR and SPYY/ED/TMBR throws are amazing!!! Got me back into throwing wood after such a long absence…
Since you’re pulling stuff out of this site I didn’t know existed Vega, does YYE carry the axle kits too?
It doesn’t look like they do. Shoot Andre an email asking him if he’ll stock them.
Are Woodchuck yoyos any good?
Yeah they are. Tried some in Erie at a place not to be named. Meat sauce is a good 1a-esque yoyo, Whistle pig is good for all around play, and cavity is like the Irving and good for stalls. The only problem is that they don’t screw apart like TMBRs.
I don’t want it if it doesn’t come apart.
A lot of good fixed axle, wooden yoyos don’t come apart. That’s not a show stopper for me.
I have not played with the Meat Sauce since. Colin tried to sooth the vibrations as best he could for me, but the halves are simply too asymmetrical to be fixed. Maybe I got a dud, but I stand by my negative review. My yoyo is rough and rather poorly finished. Looks beautiful though. Hmm. I wish I could get a hold of the maker.
Where do you buy the Eh? I see that all you have it but I cannot find it anywhere.