Wood is Good

I’ll keep you all posted when it gets here. In hindsight, I probably could have bought one at the local hobby store, but for now I’ll wait for the mailman.

Sorry to mislead with the topic title, I didn’t consider any sexual connotations when I made it.

I commented on the title a while back xD

I have TMBR Irving since May and I really enjoyed playing with it. But it’s only about week or two, when I started practicing more fixed axle style and now I’m looking to add some other TMBR’s to my collection. Hopefully Lovejoy and Baldwin will be on Yoyoexpert soon and I will catch them, I dont see them coming to Europe shops in next few months

I heard you like fixed axle.


Can you bring all of your wooden toys to club? Those look fantastic!

Who is going to worlds 2013? Is there a booth for wooden yoyos?
I am going for the first time, I live in Tampa.

I just, like right now, scored a BC Apollo. I’ve been looking for one for something like two years or more. Made my day.

kiiiinda jealous

at the same time… can I give you an internet High-5 on that?

THAT is a score.

It’s an extra cool one, too. Broad bands of natural with narrower bands of red and purple. Can’t wait to see spin :slight_smile: I’m still grinning about finding it.

Please let me know if another appears. I have some money I’d like to give you.

If I see one and I’m not in a position to buy it, I’ll definitely let you know.

I’m broke right now… but there’re two on ebay at this listing: (plus a blackbird butterfly shape and a blackbird imperial)


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I’d kick a puppy for the Apollo Pro and the Butterfly Blackbird. Too bad I used my remaining yoyo budget on the Apollo I just got. Of course, I do have this sangria jug about half full of change and any spare bills I’ve found in the dryer that doesn’t need to be accounted for…

I finally got my walnut dowel, so tomorrow I’ll see what I can come up with. I’ll post full photos at the end. I’m going to try to make them look very clean without so many factory injection burrs and weight them a little differently so they will blow socks off. That’s the idea, at least.

I’m looking forward to this.



Ha! Heck yeah!

aaannnnnddddd I know what my wood throw will be.

Well no photos yet, but the modified butterflies play very well. I bought three so that I could experiment with different weight distributions and after some fine tuning, the walnut axles fit like gloves. Extremely smooth. Now to figure out how to clean up the plastic. I’ll try to go to an auto parts store and get some plastics polish this weekend. When I make a few more, I’d be interested in sending a few of them around to see what everyone thinks. I’ll have to glue the caps on because there is nothing holding the halves apart since the wooden axle doesn’t grip the plastic like the metal one did.

Nice yoyos, Ed! I look forward to the release!

StillinKansasCity - you can clean up the plastic with some 300-400 grit wet/dry paper used wet. Then finish off w/the plastic polish from the autoparts store. Get the stuff for cleaning up headlight lenses. As for the axles, have you tried putting some epoxy in the hole?

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