Wind 2a yoyo

How do you fast-wind your yoyo when the yoyos stop running? I saw the fast wind on the internet but they’re likely used for 1A players since it’s less awkward to use the other empty hand to give the yoyo first spin.

I’m a beginner in 2a I couldn’t figure out how to wind it except do it manually & slowly.

Can you guys share with me how you guys wind the yoyos when both of your hands got tied to those yoyos already?


I don’t do 2a, but I play responsive yo-yos frequently, and I snap start usually.


I do 2a but just each hand one at a time bc I suck at it still and only have 1 Yoyo I can loop decent but yeah snap starts all the way or engineers wind up occasionally but that only works with 1 yoyo. You don’t need to get it back to your hand right away either just enough so it has enough spin that you can manage it back to your hand. Then you can make sure it’s wrapped up good and start tricking more. Check out this also


I usually snap start both throws one at a time with my dominant hand, starting with the dominant hand throw. I can’t snap start the non-dominant hand yet. Most loopers regen very easily, so you only need a little spin to get it to the regen.

Alternatively, I snap start the dominant and then do the start where you push away on the throw and pull the string away. Again, I don’t usually get it back to my hand, I usually regen it back to my hand.

Edit: it turns out my meh offhand snap start is enough to usually regen, but it’s nowhere near as cool as my dominant hand. For dominant hand I usually snap start straight up and then flick it to a forward pass, and can even pick up looping straight from there. My non-dominant hand isn’t snap starting up yet, so I usually snap it and then pull up to get it back to my hand.

There’s another cool one you can do where you hold the throw in you palm and flick it out with spin. You usually do this with your whole opposite palm, but I can do this one with just my pointer finger (because I’m holding the other throw so my full palm isn’t accessible) and still get the throw restarted.


How to learn the Flick it out you mentioned?

Basically this one, but you can do it with just your pointer finger: