will small dents and such affect my yoyo in any way?

Will it make vibe? or like what, ive had it for a little less than 24 hours and there’s a decent amount of scuffs on it. all metal yoyo

Most likely no.

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Most likely no. Unless large damage has been done, it will be fine.

Might I ask:
What yoyo is this?
Why so many scratches, dings and nicks in such a little time? I’m thinking it’s time to adjust the length.

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Well, I actually haven’t hit the ground yoyoing yet, i believe my length is perfect, just an inch or 2 above the bellybutton, The dings are because when i was unscrewing it to get a knot out, it dropped on the floor, and when i was messing around with it sitting down, dropped on asphalt. yeah, like the 2 worst places to drop it, ended up happening. haha. It’s my crucial ayce yoyo.

But the reason it hit the ground is pretty much because im not careful, which i need to be more careful of

Take a toothpick with you and you won’t need to open it up to release a knot

That’s actually a really good idea, i’ll do that from now on haha. thanks

Unless you hit it on the ground so hard it actually deforms the shape of the yoyo, then no. You may, however have to deal with a bent axle or sanding down the rims.

btw it looks really nice on my metal yoyos when i sand them although i do have a drill press and it would take forever if you did not

Hitman mod looks fine. Just a little sanding on the rims doesn’t.

If you have to ask…whats the point?

No I have a few dents In my plastic and its fine doesn’t affect it at all

Metal yoyo’s and plastic yoyo’s act differently to dents.

True but all the dents in the yoyos i have aren’t affected

Most dings won’t effect a yoyo at all (aside from scratching the surface, of course). A very small minute fraction of dings result in a small amount of vibe. However, this is mostly from 5a yoyos dropping their yoyos repeatedly.

So really, there is nothing to worry about with dings. They just make the yoyo a little less beautiful.