Wierdest thing you've ever been told while playing with a yoyo?

I wish I had a good story like these ones, but no! " can you do rock the baby? " or walk the dog?.. Sigh

I would be able to post more in a “weird things you’ve had to reply when being asked a question about yoyoing” thread. Haha


And best of all

“Your hair smells like chocolate!” (Wasn’t said to me but a friend of mine from PYYC.)

Girls, the greatest mystery known to man…

I got asked if a yoyo was edible by a kid in a Wal-Mart line,and the kid decided to have an argument about it

I’ll bite lemme hear some bud!

one i got was when my mom and i were shopping was
“ah i remember when yoyo’s were it back then”
that was an old man
and i also at my church i got
" A while back when yoyo’s were popular i could do all that rock the cradle moves you do!"

The Symphonic Band teacher at my school who is 76 said that Duncan demonstrators came to his school doing what I was just doing when he was in elementary school and I was doing Yuuki Slack:P

did suicide grandma says “that’s called cats cradle”

“Do a trick that reminds you of me.”

is that a doorknob

i got asked that 3 times at school

Hahahaha this one is hilarious :wink:

Random kid: “At least you have more of a life than band kids”
Me: “I’m also in band…”
Random kid: (Turns around in silence and runs)

A kid at school asked me “are you a wizard”

…I can so do that

hey that one kid said that to me too

She was Asian so I did Asian Pops:P

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“Is that like… are you like…”
Says nothing more. Than again,
he was just a little kid.

“I got me an O-yo too!” (Yes I said O-yo and not yo-yo)

After explaining to him how the ball bearing weight placement and strong throw makes it spin long So basically its motorized!

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